When are you giving up work?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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I know its still early on but has anyone thought about when they might want to start their maternity leave? Do you want to go back to work after the birth? If so how long do you think you might take off?

This is all i seem to be thinking about at the moment and it driving me nuts. One minute i want the max mat leave off, next i want to work upto as near the birth as possible and take more time after and then the next i want to get away from work as soon as possible and not go back. :roll: Oh what is a girl to do?
with my youngest i finished work at 34 weeks, i actually started mat leave at 36 weeks, and took two weeks holiday before that started.

this baby, well i've not even started back at work yet! I got back in three weeks.

My eldest will start school in Sept, so I want to be on mat leave for then so I can take him to school for his first days!

So I'm looking to go on mat leave middle to end of august. 17th sounds like a good date!
When you inform you employed of your maternity leave, you don't have to give them a date you intend to go back. You can do that later. So that gives you plenty of time to work out what you think you might like to do.
Things have got worse at my job since January so if I weren't pregnant now I would probably just grab my keys and walk out. I know I'm leaving as early as I can already.

Work know I'm pregnant, they know our team has too much work on it too, they just keep piling more and more on, we get no time to do the work because we have to compile reports and statistics on this, that and everything.

Sorry, didn't meant to turn that into a rant :oops:
I'm leaving at 32 weeks, and taking 4 weeks annual leave before my mat leave starts.

I haven't really thought too hard about when I'll go back, but I'll probably take 9-12 months off.
Hey, if all goes to plan, I will be working up until the week before..

..I work in an office, 2 minutes from my work and also 10 minutes drive from the hospital. My step dad works 2 doors down from me and my mum works 5 minutes drive away so should baby decide to arrive whilst I'm at work, everyone can rush to my side lol

This is only due to the fact that I will be a single mum, living alone and will be really dependent on my maternity pay and can't afford to waste any precious weeks wages!!

Otherwise, I'd be taking it now !! :lol:

I intend to work up until i drop, provided i can health wise, i only work weekends and uni will finish about a month before i'm due so it's not like i'll be pushing myself, i'll be taking the max maternity leave too as because i only work 16 hours a week i will be paid 90% of my pay for 6 months.
Mines a slightly unusual situation so i think i'd feel differently if i was workign full time.
I may take a few weeks of my holiday before i go as i will have them left and hopefully OH can have them off too as he wants time before the birth, lets just hope he manages to stick around for the birth lol
With my last baby I worked up until 37 weeks so I could have the majority of my mat leave after the birth, at home with the baby. It's nice to have a bit of time at home before the birth, but too much and you will go insane sitting waiting for baby to arrive!! I was so fed up in the last couple of weeks and it drags like hell! I only got 6 months paid leave then but it's gone up now to 9 months so I will be taking it all! I'm hoping to do roughly the same this time and leave about 3 weeks before I'm due, don't think I could physically work any longer than that, but don't want to leave too soon either x
I've not realy given much thought to actual dates yet but I want to work as close to my due date as possible so that I can spend as much time as possible with the baby when it's here.

I'll probably take 9 - 12 months off.

OMG......just realised I'm going to be getting nearly 12 months off work... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I want to work as late as I can, at the moment am aiming for 38 weeks and if I'm not finding it too difficult may even go past that will see how things go. My jobs an office job and I work with my OH and all his family, his Dads my boss so I know I will be well looked after! My work is nearer to the hospital then my house so if I go into labour at work it wont be the end of the world and OH and I can just get in car to hospital or home depending how it goes if it comes to that, will have to just keep hospital bag in car at the end so always have it with me :lol:
I think I will be happier at work with my OH and his family around me then sat at home counting the days and want to save as much maternity leave for after baby comes as possible, ideally I dont want to go back to work til baby is 6 months and they will be going to the nursery down the road because I worked there for 3 years and the managers are friends so I am at least confident about the care which will help when it comes to coming back to work!
Hmmm not too sure, probably work until a few weeks before maybe 3 weeks before so i feel relaxed but in saying that i get bored easily so not sure, discussed with Hubby and going to go back pt about 3 days a week so hopefully have about 12 mths off but i really dont know...

I'm going to finish work at October half term - going to have the full 12 months!! :cheer: :cheer:
I'm going to leave as soon as possible :D I don't think I'll be returning to work (OH has offered to keep bubs, the dog and I in the style to which we will become accustomed to ;) ). I am really looking forward to my final weeks of freedom i.e. sleeping in late and lazing around generally :D

OH has been off work and relaxing since December while I've been keeping us afloat so I won't be feeling guilty at all for having so much time off. Also I'm the sort of person that could never ever get bored around the house. I will be playing computer games and watching films the whole time :D
Luckily I am self employed and choose my own hours/appointments. I will try and work probably till the point I go into labour but I have been naughty, very naughty since January, hardly worked as much as I used to but since Thursday last week I am feeling full of energy again. Lets hope I can say bye bye to the zzzingg tendencies....

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