When Coming Off The Pill......


Aug 2, 2008
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Hey girls,

I came off the pill last week, (hopefully for good if Gynae gives ok on Thursday!) after being on it for 5 years for controlling my periods. I just wondered how long it usually takes to have a proper period??

Whilst on the pill I would have a bleed for 3/4 days but never much and after stopping it last Wednesday I'm still waiting.......

I know it takes a while to get the pill out of the system but I thought I would have a bleed at least after finishing last pack!?


sorry i can't help but good luck ttc and i hope you arn't ttc for long :hug: :hug:

I came off the pill end of March and it took two weeks until I had a period, was different to when I was on the pill, heavier, I had cramping, I was very iritable so for me my periods came back really quickly. Some people take a lot longer, I have heard it takes at least 3 months for them to get back to normal and they say when coming off the pill you should use other protection until your periods are back to normal. They only say this as if your trying to conceive they wouldn't know your LMP so it makes life easier for them. We started TCC straight away and I fell pregnant on month 4.

Good luck x
Hey hun.

I came off the pill a few weeks ago, and as soon as I stopped (which was at the end of the pack) I had my withdrawal bleed as usual which is not a proper period off course.

It doenst happen straight away for everyone mind you, so dont worry too much, coming off the pill can do some funny things to your reproductive organs!!!

Best of luck ttc :hug:
I've been on the pill for 17 years altogether. I had a 6 month break off it a few years ago, then a 2 month breakthe year after and I just came off it again in June this year. Each time I came off it, I had my withdrawl bleed from it and then got normal periods straight away the next month. But instead of my cycles being 28 days every month, they range from 23 days to 29 days. It did take about 4 months before my periods bacame heavy with bad cramps, though. But I never missed a period off the pill. In fact I've only ever missed 2 periods in my life and that was when I was 17. Plus I think I ovulate everytime, as I have the symptoms of ovulation. So just because you have been on the pill for a long time, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't get back to normal straight away.

Good luck!
I came off the pill in June and had withdrawl bleed 2 days later. 1st AF didnt arrive until 7 weeks later. Hope that helps.
I came off the pill in march, had my pill period and then my period came I think about 28 days later.... I came off in march like I said and got my BFP in July!! hope your not TTC long hunni and good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls. I thought I would have had a withdrawal bleed by now, but will see what my Gynaecologist says tomorrow. I'm hoping that she will allow me to come off the pill altogether so I can get my body back to normal to start TTC around Christmas time, but my Endo symptoms have started again today so she may want me to stay on it as it controls the Endo symptoms....fingers crossed!
I came off the mini pill at the end of July. I had a bleed about a week later & now I'm still waiting for y period nearly 6 weeks on. Wish it would come now so I know where I am!

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