When shall I test?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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So loads of you are testing early and getting your BFP's and I am getting impatient!!

I am currently 9DPO and normally have a 12 day LP, I will be 12 DPO on Friday and was going to leave testing until Saturday.

Now I will be gutted if I test early and get BFN or get AF the next day......BUT I really really want to know!! I've done everything I can this month to get my BFP
Used Preseed and BD as much as we could manage,

So what should I do?!

test early or wait until Saturday?
I would wait until you are actually late hun. Nothing worse than getting a bfn and still thinking, "well it could be early days, I still be pg" and then af turn up.
I know thats what I'm thinking - But IF and thats a big IF I am PG I would be gutted that I didn't test earlier!!

Oh and how have you been? Not seen you around on here for a while x x
I would want to know a late as possible, less time to be worrying iykwim.

I'm ok, was away at the weekend and keeping a low profile so as not to think about it all too much. I *think* I may have ov last week, but didnt really get any ewcm, I had some pain on one side, but not as severe as last month. Wondering if that could be because last week I was around CD20 and last cycle I ov at CD55, but not sure. Trying to be chilled about it and I havent been doing opks. I will know soon enough I am sure.

Hows you? Enjoying the weather?
Do what feels right to you. I am a total :poas: and start testing as soon as I am 10 DPO and right up to af arrives. Always had :bfn:s but I keep thinking the more I test the more likely I will get a surprise :bfp:. Not a rational way of thinking...

Good luck for whenever you decide to test!

Well Bonny if my little POAS rampage is anything to go by I would say WAIT till Af is late..... BUT......lol if your anything like most of us on here you will POAS before then....fingers crossed tho xxx
Ok I am convinced the witch is going to show her ugly face, although temps are still high,

Will hold off testing until saturday which will make me 1day late for AF.

Fingers crossed but I'm not too hopefull, got some pretty sore random cramps in last 24 hours and boobs starting to hurt, which I think is AF not PG related,

Why oh Why does this seem so hard to do. I just wish I was like them little girls that have sex once and end up pregnant,
It seems totally unfair doesn't it!! You're not out yet though!

I know, I want this so much right now, and if I don't get BFP this month thats me out until july as I'm going to be away from Hubby for my fertile week.

I'm just feeling gutted. I just feel like she is about to show her ugly face any moment and I'm on constant knicker watch!
im waiting for the witch also!... she due sun/mon
ive tested day 25,26 and 27 all neg tests.... i dont know why i do it each month but its something us girls who have been ttc for years have to do!

Ive got the lower aches,spot break outs just want to get it out the way now and start my second cycle of clomid
Yup Im with yous there....I now totally feel like AF is hiding ready to punce at any moment....Im also dues sat sun....so hoping I know either way before then tho.....Grrrrrrrrrrrrr why is it so hard....xxx
I just feel like I did everything possible this month to get my BFP and that it still isn't enough.

I just hope that AF isn't really coming and that she stays away for 9 months for all of us x x
Im not going to take any more tests!!

just wait.... but i just cant help my self read all the early preg signs!!!

so we are all waiting for her same time?

are you on clomid or naturally ttc?

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