Worrying about baby being breech


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I am an idiot and have googled breech babies, so wish I hadn't now. Found a site that said that there is an increased risk of birth defects with breech babies. Now I am worrying. I am such an idiot, honestly! I know baby still has plenty of time to turn but this will play on my mind now. Why do I do this to myself???
I should also say that I know if there were anything with the baby it wouldn't make any difference really, but I am the type of person that has to be prepared and covers all possibilities, nutcase anyone!!
Stay away from google :lol:
Yes there is plenty of time for baby to move round, and if baby remains breech they'll keep a good eye on you and sort a plan of action, it will all be fine hun :hug: x
Ban those bad thoughts and google!! MW told me that early 30's in weeks about 25% babies in breech but by 40 weeks only 4% breech. Just relax and do the turning positions and have a little chat with your LO and ask them nicely to turn or you :) zxx
I know you are both right, google should be banned from pregnant women.
No more googling!! Higher risk of birth defects doesn't mean that there will be any, and as you said yourself, there's a good chance your baby will change his or her mind and turn the other way round anyway. And even if baby stays breech - there are plenty of breech babies born every day without any complications whatsoever. The internet really is a curse sometimes!
Like the other girls say there is plenty of time but if it helps my nephew was breech was trying to come not bum first but feet first !!! And he is absolutely fine came out perfect !! Xxxx
Isla turned at 39 weeks!! Trying to come out feet first and I didn't know lol. Try not to worry Islas birth wasn't normal in the slightest and I'll never have another one like it.

Google is evil!!!
Emma x


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