Problem Periods ???? plz help...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Problem periods ... Help plzzz

Today, 20:00 PM #1

Hi Everyone, just writing to see if anyone can offer me advice or is experiencing the same problems. Before I became pregnant my periods were always very normal just cramping in the first day and a normal blood loss lasted about 3-4 days however since giving birth and my periods returning when my ba was 8 weeks they have been hell - About two days before I have to run to the loo alot (sori but loose bowels), and after this I get very warm and start feeling like I,m going to be really sick but never actually am and the tiredness is extreme. On the day the bleeding starts I am so sick I can hardly get out of bed and the blood loss is very heavy, during the period I am very light headed and no energy and it is now lasting 5-7 days. I have been to the doctor, A and E and they have done lots of tests but all clear. In general since this has started I havent really felt well and am now obessed there is something more wrong with me as this has been going on so long!! Is it just the return of my periods and the hormones being all over the place. xx
It sounds fairly normal after birth :( I've had 1 period since and I thought I was dying :shock:

It sounds fairly normal after birth :( I've had 1 period since and I thought I was dying :shock:


Thank you can I ask did you get bad nausea and extreme tiredness with ot - I honestly have had two now since the birth and havent been well a day since x
Yes hun, got really dizzy :( everytime I stood up it poured out of me :cry: Sorry for the tmi but I used 3 packets of pads in 3-4 days. The first night I had to change hourly through the night :(

I hope it gets better for us :hugs:

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