Maybe's experimental 2WW! Inc symptoms..and tests and BFP!

Whoop!!! I set my alarm to view this but obviously set it later than you got up!! Hahaha
Aww I'm so happy for your really I am!! Big congrats sweetie xx
Just woke up and checked straight away. what amazing news! Uv been in ttc wwaayy too long and it really is ur time. Wow MB ur gonna be a mummy and a fantastic mummy too!! I'm so so happy for u after all this long time!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations lovely lady. So happy for you. We have had four bfp in the past couple of days but for some reason my computer will not let me upload them to show. The first two were faint but the second two were definitely darker. Its great that I can share this with you all as we are scared of telling anyone because of the previous m/c. Heres hoping that the strong cramping I was having about a week ago was baby borrowing in deep ready for the next 9 months. Fx for all you ladies on your 2ww heres to lots more bfp's. xx
Mayyyyyyyybeeeeeee congrats the first thing I did this morning was check u! I'm so pleased for u!!!!! :) xxxx


Thanks so much for all your lovely messages girls!! :):):)

Lou are you ok, was the egg thingy ok?

Oh Maybe that is the most wonderful news, I am absolutely delighted for you!
I really hope & pray this is a super sticky one & that you have a happy & healthy 9 months!
Take good care of yourself xx
19 that's good going Lou, are they giving a clue how many embryos they'll transfer?

Thanks Jen, I'm putting my feet up!

I gotta wait to for Oh to wake up
Maybe!!! Gonna relax with a bacon sarnie now :)

Congrats again maybe I'm
Mega happy for u this morning xxx
19 that's good going Lou, are they giving a clue how many embryos they'll transfer?

Just the one :) Any spares will go in the freezer. I'm happy with that though, i wouldn't wish a multiple pregnancy on anyone :oooo:
This has made my day too!!! So happy for you maybe!! Congrats honey, we are all in tri 1 together xxxxx
Omg I over slept, woke up with a start thinking "has maybe done her digi yet?" Shame on me! But double :yay: for your bfp!! I knew you'd do it! You've made today a good day, nothing will get me down now. Sooo happy for you :love: xx
Congrats hunny!! That is the best news ever. This really is turning into a record month!! xxx :)

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