Constant spotting/light bleeding


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Hello all,

Has anyone had regular bleeding this late in pregnancy. I know plenty have had it early on.

I had episodes of spotting with DS1 from 4 weeks upto 17 weeks, only ever about once a week and not more than a wipe or two, no clots.

I'm currently 25+1 with DS2 and up untill 18 weeks I had no spotting what so ever so thought I'd escaped it.

I had light spotting once with a clot at 18 weeks, was checked over a few days later, found to have an ectropion (had it last time too) but then they couldn't find heartbeat with doppler so they did a quick scan and he was hiding behind my placenta which was slap bang in the front so blocking movements too.

Was told not to worry just the ectropian.

Had a few more episodes of spotting with small clots in between then and the 20 week scan, 20 week scan went fine. Didn't identify any problems, they originally thought my placenta might have been low lying but after making me drink a pint of water and re scanning me half hour later they were satisfied it was OK.

I started light bleeding again after the scan on and off with small clots, each episode lasting no more than a day and happening about every 3 or 4 days upto 23 weeks. Then had 5/6 days off nothing, and was thinking it may have started to heal itself. Luckily I'm feeling baby move now but still not super regular thanks to anterior placenta again which I also had with DS1.

Then last sunday I had a some spotting not much, and then a small bit Monday too. And then Wednesday I had another clot, small again about the size of a fingernail and spotting/light bleeding again on off Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, seemed to stop Friday, then Friday night woke up in the middle of the night to much much more, not heavy but more than spotting and the clots were slightly bigger lasted about an hour then died down again to normal spotting as usual.

This continued to slow throughout yesterday and now just having the occasional bit of stringy blood mixed in with CM. I'm a bag of nerves, no one seems concerned and it's really starting to stress me out now I'm 25 weeks. I can't find anyones experiences online this late into pregnancy.

I've had some pains but nothing to painful, just light cramps and stitch pain in my side which I had with DS1 when he was lying transverse. I'm not convinced their linked to the bleeding tbh. They seem to happen randomly.

The bleeding also seems to happen randomly, but this last week has been the worse I feel like it's been there constantly since last weekend now. Seems every episode I have lasts longer and is getting heavier. I'm terrified they've missed something on the scans.

I'm not sure if having two pregnancies so close together have anything to do with it? My LB is 11 months and was 5.5 months when we found out we were expecting again.

Spoke to midwife who isnt concerned as normal, I'm due an appointment with her next week which was going to be over the phone but she's offered to check me over in the surgery next Thursday. Doesn't fill me with relief tbh as all shes going to do is listen in to heartbeat.

I have a growth scan booked at 30+6 due to having gestational diabetes last time. I'm negative for it this time as of now and have another gtt booked for 28 weeks.

The blood varies in colour too, sometimes pink, brown, orange and bright red. No one seems concerned but im terrified, stressed and miserable at this point.

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Hello all,

Has anyone had regular bleeding this late in pregnancy. I know plenty have had it early on.

I had episodes of spotting with DS1 from 4 weeks upto 17 weeks, only ever about once a week and not more than a wipe or two, no clots.

I'm currently 25+1 with DS2 and up untill 18 weeks I had no spotting what so ever so thought I'd escaped it.

I had light spotting once with a clot at 18 weeks, was checked over a few days later, found to have an ectropion (had it last time too) but then they couldn't find heartbeat with doppler so they did a quick scan and he was hiding behind my placenta which was slap bang in the front so blocking movements too.

Was told not to worry just the ectropian.

Had a few more episodes of spotting with small clots in between then and the 20 week scan, 20 week scan went fine. Didn't identify any problems, they originally thought my placenta might have been low lying but after making me drink a pint of water and re scanning me half hour later they were satisfied it was OK.

I started light bleeding again after the scan on and off with small clots, each episode lasting no more than a day and happening about every 3 or 4 days upto 23 weeks. Then had 5/6 days off nothing, and was thinking it may have started to heal itself. Luckily I'm feeling baby move now but still not super regular thanks to anterior placenta again which I also had with DS1.

Then last sunday I had a some spotting not much, and then a small bit Monday too. And then Wednesday I had another clot, small again about the size of a fingernail and spotting/light bleeding again on off Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, seemed to stop Friday, then Friday night woke up in the middle of the night to much much more, not heavy but more than spotting and the clots were slightly bigger lasted about an hour then died down again to normal spotting as usual.

This continued to slow throughout yesterday and now just having the occasional bit of stringy blood mixed in with CM. I'm a bag of nerves, no one seems concerned and it's really starting to stress me out now I'm 25 weeks. I can't find anyones experiences online this late into pregnancy.

I've had some pains but nothing to painful, just light cramps and stitch pain in my side which I had with DS1 when he was lying transverse. I'm not convinced their linked to the bleeding tbh. They seem to happen randomly.

The bleeding also seems to happen randomly, but this last week has been the worse I feel like it's been there constantly since last weekend now. Seems every episode I have lasts longer and is getting heavier. I'm terrified they've missed something on the scans.

I'm not sure if having two pregnancies so close together have anything to do with it? My LB is 11 months and was 5.5 months when we found out we were expecting again.

Spoke to midwife who isnt concerned as normal, I'm due an appointment with her next week which was going to be over the phone but she's offered to check me over in the surgery next Thursday. Doesn't fill me with relief tbh as all shes going to do is listen in to heartbeat.

I have a growth scan booked at 30+6 due to having gestational diabetes last time. I'm negative for it this time as of now and have another gtt booked for 28 weeks.

The blood varies in colour too, sometimes pink, brown, orange and bright red. No one seems concerned but im terrified, stressed and miserable at this point.


Hi @maythe4thbewit i bled regularly with my eldest daughter, I went to MAU with each episode as I found it really distressing. Could you go up and be seen? Might make you feel a bit better? Xx
Hi @maythe4thbewit i bled regularly with my eldest daughter, I went to MAU with each episode as I found it really distressing. Could you go up and be seen? Might make you feel a bit better? Xx

They stupidly wont see me untill I'm 28 weeks! :( theyve only checked me after the first episode of it too, and then I had to go to the emergency gyne clinic because I was to late for EPU but to early for anything else.

I found it ok the first few times but now seems to be constant. Really stressing me out. Husband keeps reminding me I had it with our LB, but it was never like this or this late xxx
They stupidly wont see me untill I'm 28 weeks! :( theyve only checked me after the first episode of it too, and then I had to go to the emergency gyne clinic because I was to late for EPU but to early for anything else.

I found it ok the first few times but now seems to be constant. Really stressing me out. Husband keeps reminding me I had it with our LB, but it was never like this or this late xxx

What! That is really late! I I thought it was latest 20 weeks. Are you really active? Xx
What! That is really late! I I thought it was latest 20 weeks. Are you really active? Xx

I know! They wont see you in our EPU after 16 weeks so between 16 and 28 weeks its midwife or a&e.

I'm no where near as active as I used to be! I'm still off work on maternity leave, well I was due back end of March but I've taken my a/l ans then going in maternity leave mid May because can't have the covid jab whilst pregnant and I work in a hospital.

I am constsnty running around after our little one and two dogs but no level of exercise like I was last time. At this point last time I was still swimming 4 times a week, running 3 times and lifting weights a few times a week too xx
I know! They wont see you in our EPU after 16 weeks so between 16 and 28 weeks its midwife or a&e.

I'm no where near as active as I used to be! I'm still off work on maternity leave, well I was due back end of March but I've taken my a/l ans then going in maternity leave mid May because can't have the covid jab whilst pregnant and I work in a hospital.

I am constsnty running around after our little one and two dogs but no level of exercise like I was last time. At this point last time I was still swimming 4 times a week, running 3 times and lifting weights a few times a week too xx

Ah ok, I think it’s bizarre they say 28 weeks as after 24 baby could be born and survive! It’s the clots I think I’d just go to a&e x
Ah ok, I think it’s bizarre they say 28 weeks as after 24 baby could be born and survive! It’s the clots I think I’d just go to a&e x

Yeah the clots are what are frightening me. I know the midwife will check me over Thursday and listen to heartbeat but I really feel like they need to rescan me again before my growth scan at 30 weeks incase they've missed something. X

I feel the same. I spoke to the on call again this morning about it sns they weren't concerned either, said as long as the blood clots weren't bigger than a 50p piece and as long as baby was moving not to worry. Said if it hadn't stopped by Monday to contact my midwife again or if it gets to the point where I'm soaking a pad to go to a&e. Not helpful at all. Feel like they aren't taking ne seriously at all xx
I feel the same. I spoke to the on call again this morning about it sns they weren't concerned either, said as long as the blood clots weren't bigger than a 50p piece and as long as baby was moving not to worry. Said if it hadn't stopped by Monday to contact my midwife again or if it gets to the point where I'm soaking a pad to go to a&e. Not helpful at all. Feel like they aren't taking ne seriously at all xx

I just think that’s terrible. Have you tried to call the emergency gynae dept? X
I just think that’s terrible. Have you tried to call the emergency gynae dept? X

They aren't open on the weekend I know that from experience, when I had the first bleed I had to wait all weekend to be seen.

They share clinic with epu so don't see anyone till the afternoons so wont be open till Monday afternoon. They weren't going to scan me the first time just check babys heartbeat. They only ended up scanning me because they couldn't find it xx
They aren't open on the weekend I know that from experience, when I had the first bleed I had to wait all weekend to be seen.

They share clinic with epu so don't see anyone till the afternoons so wont be open till Monday afternoon. They weren't going to scan me the first time just check babys heartbeat. They only ended up scanning me because they couldn't find it xx

I hate that EPU close of a weekend seems silly to me x
Hi hun, such a stressful pregnancy! I don't know if they have this in the UK but are there independent midwives with whom you can get in touch with?x
I'm on assessment unit atm, waiting for an internal. Baby sounded fine on doppler so waiting to see Dr. I kicked up a fuss in he phone earlier. Their still treating me like I'm wasting their time xx
I'm on assessment unit atm, waiting for an internal. Baby sounded fine on doppler so waiting to see Dr. I kicked up a fuss in he phone earlier. Their still treating me like I'm wasting their time xx

Im so glad they’ve seen you @maythe4thbewit hopefully the internal will give you the answers you need. Xx
Im so glad they’ve seen you @maythe4thbewit hopefully the internal will give you the answers you need. Xx

Ectropion is now apparently gone so where is it coming from? Typically there wasn't any blood when they did the internal.

They listened to hb on doppler said it sounded fine.

Said they wanted me to stay in for 24 hours incase I bleed again, I said what's the point as I definitely will bleed again its constant everyday their not even hooking me up to the ctg or anything. I'm literally sat here on a bed, they compromised and said i could go home this evening and that they would ask the registrar if they could bring my scan forward, not heard anything about that since.

They admitted me on the ward about 4pm and I've not seen them since? If their not actually checking anything what is the point of me being here. If they wanted to check the bleeding eveytime I had it I would be here for weeks on end.

Don't understand why they don't just scan me to see where it is coming from xx
Ectropion is now apparently gone so where is it coming from? Typically there wasn't any blood when they did the internal.

They listened to hb on doppler said it sounded fine.

Said they wanted me to stay in for 24 hours incase I bleed again, I said what's the point as I definitely will bleed again its constant everyday their not even hooking me up to the ctg or anything. I'm literally sat here on a bed, they compromised and said i could go home this evening and that they would ask the registrar if they could bring my scan forward, not heard anything about that since.

They admitted me on the ward about 4pm and I've not seen them since? If their not actually checking anything what is the point of me being here. If they wanted to check the bleeding eveytime I had it I would be here for weeks on end.

Don't understand why they don't just scan me to see where it is coming from xx

Oh god how are things going @maythe4thbewit I have been thinking of you x

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