24week abortions


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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I seen on the news that they are trying to bring the time limit for abortions forward, its currently 24weeks,
but now with advanced medical skills a baby can servive at 24weeks.

do you think it should stay as it is? or be brought forward? as many people are al for it but others are kicking up a fuss that it should stay as it is?

I think it should be brought forward, after i saw my scan at 12 weeks, that is a baby with a life i could never have an abortion.
It would mess me up so much.
Also from a different view i've had to help spay cats/dog that have almost been full term or half way through, and again those are animals with feelings, a brain.

anyway waffling sorry - but is should be brought forward.
Ok I voted no but in truth I am unsure. I personally believe that as medical advancements mean that babies are surviving at a younger age then the limit should be reviewed. However it is worth remembering that the majority of abortions are done in the early stages of pregnancy, and those that are done this late are usually for medical reasons.
im stuck in 2 minds????

what if you were raped and found out at 24weeks you were preg??
i could go through with it but would about your partner ect?

or would about if you found out a child would be seriously disabled?

i think if some one was lazy and didnt use pill ect and decided at 24weeks to abortion shouldnt be allowed?
That's what I think, the whole thing is not black and white, there are too many variables.
I could feel my baby kicking and seen it at the 20 week scan looking very much like a baby. Im not sure what the limit should be but 24 weeks is a bit near the bone for me.
beanie said:
However it is worth remembering that the majority of abortions are done in the early stages of pregnancy, and those that are done this late are usually for medical reasons.

my mum aborted a baby girl at 24weeks as she was told her girl would be servely disabled due to spinabifida and the baby didnt even have a spin? my mum was told she could carry on the pregnancy and would more then likely have a stillborn or abort the child. infact how does it work does any one no? would they have just induced my mum? i seen the baby after she was perfect in every way wrapped up in a whilte blanket with just her face showing but all her spin was missing to this day my mum beats herself up over it but she was very iunstable at the times through her mum dying a few months before hand
My friend works with severely disabled kid and teens and i asked her what she thoought about abortion if she knew her baby was going to be disabled and she said no, some of the kids she works with have such characters and little sparks of life, why should that be taken away from them althought it would be damn hard work on the parents side.
I said what about the ones who are deaf and blind she still said no you have to work with them to understand that they can still communicate. and still enjoy life.
my mum did ask how serve was it they said total the baby would more then likely not servive??? but she already had 4 children?

every one is different

i dont think i would cope and it would break my heart

deaf blind ect there is no question ild never abort
i voted for it to be brought down i would never have an abortion anyway but then when hannah was in scbu the baby at the side of her was just over 24 weeks and then you ask yourself how. she was a perfect little person with all the world to grow in.
I think 24 weeks is to late to have an abortion! Unless the baby is really disabled and will have no quality of life. I think 16 weeks is to late personally unless you have only just found out, there is no excuse to let an unwanted pregnancy go on that long. I have nothing against somebody who did that but i wouldn't even consider it.
its tough i think it should be brought forward but as you say i think it should be done on a case by case basis eg medically its advised or rape etc.

I always thought if something was wrong with my baby i would have to abort as i wouldnt be able to cope but after my scans i knew that unless it had no quality of life (ie brain dead) then i would keep it, i didnt even care what my blood tests would show although i was low risk if i had been high risk i wouldnt have had an amnio as it wouldnt have mattered i would have kept it. Its hard we all have the right to decide but the limit is very high 24 weeks like you say the baby is viable.. I go with bring it forward but special cases should be considered if over that date
michelle82 said:
its tough i think it should be brought forward but as you say i think it should be done on a case by case basis eg medically its advised or rape etc.

I always thought if something was wrong with my baby i would have to abort as i wouldnt be able to cope but after my scans i knew that unless it had no quality of life (ie brain dead) then i would keep it, i didnt even care what my blood tests would show although i was low risk if i had been high risk i wouldnt have had an amnio as it wouldnt have mattered i would have kept it. Its hard we all have the right to decide but the limit is very high 24 weeks like you say the baby is viable.. I go with bring it forward but special cases should be considered if over that date

yh i agree with all of that
I had an abortion at 9 weeks (not going into the reasons)
But that was bad enough.

I think they should bring it forward! 24 weeks is to much.

Dont want anyone thinking bad of me for saying this, believe me I was against it. But my sister had an abortion at I think it was 23 weeks. I would like to add that my sister has a mental illness, but there was NO medical reason why she had to have it done, It was just her chose. She had to give birth to it. It broke all of your hearts. I had never really thought about abortions past 13 weeks before, I think it is wrong and so heart braking. Unless there is a medical reason why they should have one I really dont think it is right.

Sorry am not going to carry on because ill get to emotional.
i think it should stay as it is. BUT i think it should only be able to be done up to 12 weeks unless it is for extreme circumstances, for example health implications to the mother or baby.
as u all know i found out i was PG at 21 weeks n 5 days and from that day i never realliesed a baby could be so well baby like liol i think that it should be brought foward by alot, i dont want this to sound bad but im against abortion unless there is a good reason for it but at 24 weeks i could never do that my sis was born at 28 weeks so that is only 4 more weeks than wot u could have a baby aborted
sorry if i have affended ne1
has anyone seen that story about the baby that was born at about 24 weeks there was a little pic in the sun today, well she survived its amazing although tiny she was perfect and they dont think there will be any long lasting complications makes you think that people abort for no reason at that late stage
I dont agree with abortions as a method of contraception, but everyone to there own choice personally after miscarrying i wouldn't be able to have one, and like said before when Abi was in SCBU there were plenty of babies in there that were born at 24 weeks and did perfectly well, so i guess i'm saying yes it should be brought forward as i type this there is a bit on the news about prem babies.

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