Babies going into their own room


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Has anyone done it? what were your experiences?

Annabelle is almost 14 weeks old and is really big in her moses basket now. Also last night she was too hot and stirring loads and i think its because 1.we disturb her, 2.shes too tight for space in there so her arms hit the sides sometimes and 3.i am too switched on to her little noises so i probably pick her up to feed too early and she may have settled back to sleep.

Her routine is 7pm to bed. 2am ish for a feed. then 5/6am wake up for NO reason as her next feed is always 7am?! Maybe going into her own room would help her sleep a bit better??

I have put her down for a nap in her moses in her cot in her own room for the first time just now!! i hope it helps x
could you put a cot in your room? or maybe her in a cot in her own room with a baby monitor will do the trick :) x
Lacey went in her own room from 3 months and was fine! We kept her's and our bedroom door open so I could still hear her and she was fine x x
Yup Ross was in his own room from about 11 weeks as I was awake at every whimper he made. I still hear him but not quite as much and we have the angelcare movement monitor for peace of mind. Just this week he has been going to bed and waking up telling stories :love:, better than tears!!
Im still living with my parents so dont have the space to put her in her own room, but as soon as I move out shes in her own room. I deffinatly think we'll both sleep better. :)
Shes in her own room tongiht now!! in her moses and with the monitor on her which has a video on it as well as sound so i can see her and hear her as if she were here. im mega on edge checking it but hopefully in a few days i will settle down about it and maybe turn off the sound lol! Her room is so close to mine and i will always have the video monitor on her as she sleeps on her side due top her reflux so i like to see her cute face is still facing sideways and not the dreaded down i panic about :)

im getting an early night now...wish us luck! xx
Woooooooooo she slept from 7pm -1am - milk. straight back down till.........................7am!!!!! yayyyyy. her best night yet xxx
that's fantastic hope - Lucy has been in her own room in the cot for a week now and is fighting it every step of the way! Up for an hour at 11, 1.30 and 5 last night. Nightmare!
that would be wonderrrrrrrrrrful :)

thanks guys, still very pleased. hope it wasnt a one off
Lacey went in her own room from 3 months and was fine! We kept her's and our bedroom door open so I could still hear her and she was fine x x

This is exactly what we did and she was perfectly fine as well :) you never know she might sleep better because she's got more room to move about :)
We don't have enough room in our bedroom for a cot and not enough money to buy a moses basket that she'll grow out of pretty quickly so our Lilly is going straight into a cot in her own room and I'm hoping she takes to it, lol.

Obviously not yet speaking from experience but my pregnancy and baby Guru friend Lydia has put both of her babies into their own room from Day 1 and she swears by it! We would do this but havent got the space so baby will be in with us until he is about 8 months when we can move. I am sure she will be fine on her own xx
ananbelles back in my room now hahahah. she wasnt too well yesterday. (and i secretly didnt like it that much so im relieved haha)
i was talking to my health visitor about this, because my mum, n OH's mum put us both into cots from day 1 and we were fine.... but HV was insistant that i keep baby in the moses basket (that i dont have cos i thought baby would outgrow it too quickly) and then the cot in our bedroom until 8 months...

she did say it was personal choice but made me feel really bad for considering not having my baby in my room with me for as long as possible,

please someone tell me im normal for considering baby going into their own room from day 1 or about 3 months or when they sleep through...

HVs are annoying. i htink they are paid to preach the rules to do with the new safety research on everything from SIDS to early weaning.

i loosely follow the rules but i think you should follow your instincts and keep your baby happy and safe in our own ways too
please someone tell me im normal for considering baby going into their own room from day 1 or about 3 months or when they sleep through...


Cahal went into his own room 2 days ago - I have the monitor right next to me in bed, both of our doors are open and I check on him whether he makes a noise or not - I was so worried the first time I couldn't help myself! If I'm honest I would rather still have him in the same room as us but his cot won't fit in our room and he's outgrown his Moses basket so didn't really have any choice. He's absolutely fine though, in fact he's sleeping better than ever now OH's snoring doesn't keep waking him lol!
8 months :shock: guidelines only say 6 months! K was in my room til about 9 months when her dad could be arsed to sort out a room for her and E went in her own room just before 6 months when we moved out of mum and dads! i'd have had them both in their own rooms earlier if i could!

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