Breast Fed Baby & Wind - PLEASE HELP!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Hi All :wave:

Libby has just had a BIG cry (mommy got a bit upset :cry: )

I think she has really bad wind, she was sobbing her little heart out - anyone would think we were hurting her! I think she has wind as if we lie her on our arm face down, or rotate her on her hips when sat up, or hold her to our shoulder she has a little burp.

She has been sick 3 times today (only a small amount & its milky white not vomitty) - and I am worried that this is not normal - she has never been sicky like this before - but I guess that things always have to have a 'start'.

What can I do? Is there anything I can do? She sounded like she was in SO much pain!! Poor thing - am I doing anything wrong?

I'm going to try to find a breast feeding support group as I wonder if she is taking in air because I'm not feeding her properly, think I need some reassurance!?

We have been so lucky up till today she has been change/ feed/ sleep with a few wobbly nights thrown in for good measure - but today she has been restless and unsettled........should I be looking for anything?
i wonder if she has a little tummy upset or something.

what i have done with mine if they have a bit of tummy ache is held them with my arm around their tummies so they are facing outwards( do you get what i mean)
this helps relieve them of their tummy ache.

Is she pulling her legs up toward her chest when she cries?
Hi Budge.....thanks for the reply - she does pull her knees up when she cries, this is what makes me think its wind? Is that right?

My mom has suggested trying her with a bit of gripe water? Is this ok or a bit of old fashioned advice?

I have just given her a big feed from both breasts (15 mins on L & 10 mins on R), I tried to wind her a bit in between (she had a burp :cheer: ) then after the feed I sat her up for 15 mins as I saw this on another thread about wind........she's sleeping now (so I'm off to do the same ready for round 2 just in case).
u need to get some infacol for her hun, give her a drop before boobie and it will get rid of her litttle bubbles that are hurtin her tum! :D
i used infacol for alice and it worked wonders.

i tried gripe water after some advise from my hv, but i found it made alice sick :think:
I used infacol too, I never tried the gripe water so don't know what that is like :D
Try infacol, she is too young for gripe water. Also,when she is in pain, fold her legs up to her chest and hold for about 10secs. Then repeat 3 times. Once you have done that, rubs your hands gently but firmly downwards down her stomach for 6 times, then repeats with the leg folding.
One thing my HV said was that Logan was having too much fore milk and not enough hind milk which makes them very windy... make sure that they have a full feed from each breast before you switch - I know for me 10 mins would not be long enough but every woman is different. Also if the latch isn't good then they don't get as much hind milk.

We used baby massage infacol and dentinox colic drops, we found the dentinox worked the best and the massage made Logan relax more and not get so wound up with it all... HTH
Thanks everyone.....yeah - I think I'll try her for longer on each boob too......I switched her cos she was falling asleep and MIL suggested keeping her on 2 boobs, as the foremilk from the 2nd would 'quench her thrist' - a lot of the info from the parents is between 20 -30 years old so I love that I have you girls to turn to.

Anyway - after that episode last night she slept for 4 hours before waking for another feed....then every 3 hours for an i was pleased with that as I also managed a few hours kip before she woke up!

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