Changing from bottle to cup


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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My LO has just turned one and I would like to wean her off bottles and on to a sippy cup. At the moment she has water from the cup but not milk. Tried her today with milk in the cup and she just pushed it away. The more I tried the more upset she got so I ending up putting the milk back in the bottle. Anyone got any advice as to how I can get her to take milk from the cup?

Thanks x
hey there, I did a similar thread last year when my son was 11 months, but we just got rid of the bottles and offered milk in a diff sippy cup to the water beaker, like a 'special' milk cup. The more i encouraged it the less he wanted it (stubborn) so we just left it around for him during breakkie and dinner / bed time and after a week he was drinking it. Ws worried it would affect his sleep but it didn't, rang hv and she said as long as he was having enough fluids and calcium in cheese and yogurt and milk in his food then not to worry.

It worked well doing it that way but I had to stop showing it to him and saying 'yum have some milk!' once I backed off he was happy enough to do it in his own time :)

hth a little!
As above we just got rid of all bottles and gave a beaker (sippy cup)-one for milk and one for water. At first he refused milk out of it but we just left him to it and after 3-4 days he was drinking out of it. We did find he didn't want it at all at bedtime so we offered him two drinks of milk in the morning instead.

Did you find that getting rid of bottles disrupted your LO's bedtime routine whilst they were getting used to the cup? We have a bedtime routine of bath then book and bottle in LO's room with the lights dimmed then into bed. Not sure how this would work if we were going 'cold turkey' on the bottles.
No because having a bottle was never part of his routine iygwim so I can't really advise you there x
We had to do controlled cryign baout 2 weeks before drpoping the bottles as he would not settle at all and needed leaving and learning how to do it alone, so he wasnt falling asleep on the bottles and used to have them after bath in front of cartoon then we'd have chill out stories in his room. maybe you wioll have to do story with out milk for a while

we just stopped giving him bottles and gave him beakers. we had to try a few till we found one he liked but just left him to it!! xx
Thanks for all the advice. Swapping to cups has actually ended up being much easier that I thought and LO is now taking all her milk from a cup. We have had to change our bedtime routine so she now has a bath then comes back downstairs for her milk and quiet TV time before books and bed but that seems to have worked really well too.
Ive only just seen this thread, its got me thinking....
I wasn't gonna rush getting rid of LOs bottles, I was just gonna go along with him and see what happens. As he loves his bottles......
What are the main reasons why you guys decided to get rid of the bottles?...
Maybe I should?? xxxx

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