Darcie Kenny ** 15.11.10


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi Everyone I am delighted to announce the arrival of my baby girl!! Sorri but this seems a long story!! But eventful!!

On Sunday morning I got up and was feeling unwell just a bit sick and I tired but decided to clean the house and cook a roast dinner about 7pm I started to get period like pains and when I went to the loo I was loosing blood , the pains kept coming every ten mins but were manageable. At 10am I rang the delivery unit and they said to take two paracetamol and go to bed which I did, when I got to bed the pains were coming every 5 mins so at 12am I rang them back again, they then said I could come up but maybe I would like to stay at home cause it was foggy!! I said that I will be up shortly. Arrived at the hospital and had 3 contractions from the carpark to delivery suite, the midwife examined me and said I was 1 cm! I was devasted as she said she was sending me home, but the after my urine was checked it showed something so they said I could stay. Was sent round to labour ward and the two nurses were not impressed as I was bent over in pain and they kept saying you cant be in that much pain!! They then sent my hubbie home as nothing was going to happen that night. As the night went on they made me have a bath which didnt help, they made me walk the corridor as I was making noise for the other patients!! I was actually crying in pain so she said she would exam me again still 1cm ! So she said I could have pethadine which I got but didnt help at all. Then at 4am my waters broke she examined me again still 1 cm! As she left me I felt an almightly pressure, hit the panic button thingy and yelled this baby is coming! Another nurse came in and examined me asap and said the head is there with a full head of black hair. She said you better ring your hubbie but with a 25 min drive to the hospital I said to him your not going to make it! I was dashed to the delivery suite and after two almighty pushes Baby Darcie arrived!!! She was born at 04.38am weighing 7pounds 2 ounces and hubbie missed the whole show.She is gorgeous and a really good baby! I had no stiches bit sore down below but feeling great and so in love with my wee woman! Will put pics up soon, just home today so its all go, go, goxx
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What a jump hun! Sounds like you coped fab even thought the mw's were terrible! Congratulations on your baby girl :love: xxxx
Speedy gonzales! You mentioned in tri 3 that your OH didn't make it. How come? (I'm so nosey!).

Congratulations though and glad it went well xxx
Speedy gonzales! You mentioned in tri 3 that your OH didn't make it. How come? (I'm so nosey!).

Congratulations though and glad it went well xxx

Thank you, when I was admitted to the ward he was told he had to leave and nothing would happen anyway as I was only 1cm! This was about 1.30am. When they realised she was about to be born they told me to ring him to get there but it was a 25 min drive from our house and she was born within 5 mins!! So I was all on my own!! Bit disappointing but she wasnt for waiting around xx
aww congrats on your little girl!! she will make it up to daddy im sure! well done you xx
Aw wow! Congrats honey! That's amazing!
Congratulations! How crap is that?! I'd be fuming to be fair! Xx

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Awww congratulations!! The same thing happened to me hun, OH missed the whole thing where he flew out of me! Lol
Big congrats hun, if only all our labours could be that quick :)
Wow, how quik was that?! Huge congratulations hunny! I love her name, that's that name I wouldve had if we had a girl!

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