Don't know where to put this thread!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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I have always had irregular periods. I'm really worried now though, because, since the end of Jan I have been bleeding almost constantly with little breaks of a few days in between!

I told myself it was my body getting back to normal but it's been ages now! Just rang docs and my doctor is in holiday for 2 weeks starting today!!

Can you give NHS Direct a call for piece of mind hun?

I thought of that but it's not really an emergency is it? Don't want to waste peoples time?

I had a really heavy period lasting about 2 weeks that ended on valentines day and that's me started again, quite heavy! :-(


Maybe not but I'd still give them a call, if was odd spotting then maybe but as heavier defo worth having a chat with someone & I've always found them really helpful

It may possibly just be your body getting back to normal but if it's bothering or worrying you then worth a call as they might say not to worry or get an appointment asap with doctor

Is there no other GP you can see? Do you have any other symptoms that add to the horrible-ness that is a constant period like low iron, feeling faint, increased pain? I really feel for you, it gets you right down (my coil has been giving me the same thing). :hug:
Thanks kez!

Oh megs, its horrid, eh?

There are other ones but I like her! I felt dizzy everytime I stood up yesterday but fine today! What could it be?

two weeks is a long time to wait, I would def try and see another doctor, hopefully they will be able to help! megsmeadow is right, it does get your down so I do feel for you :hug:
Thanks! Got appointment with another GP tomorrow x

Good!! I know PCOS usually means infrequent periods, I don't know if it could cause a constant period too. I hope the GP is nice and understanding!
oh and I was only asking about other symptoms as in getting run down, and becoming anaemic rather than anything else.
If you call NHS direct there call operators they take your details and the problem, they go and explain it to a doctor who then calls you back.. They say about 3 hours but its never that long, i got told 24 hrs before but had a call back 10mins later...

when the doc called you explain your problem and they either tell you what you can do or tell you if you need to see a doctor and they will give your number to a doctor who can call to arrange to see you.

i hope this helps x
ooppss should really read the whole thread sorry.. Hope the gp can find a solution x
Good luck for the doctors tomorrow hun & keep us posted with how you get on :hugs:

Thanks girls. I feel a bit worried x

I've been bleeding every few days as well :( no proper period either. Am 17 weeks pp as well. Hoping its normal too.

Good luck xx
My sister bled for near on 8 months after havin my neice with only the odd day where she didn't-she had blood tests and ultrasound done but couldn't find a problem,they regulated themselves in the end. The doc said that sometimes it takes longer for our bodies to recover after the trauma of birth.
The doc was horrified that she didn't ask for help sooner tho xx
If you call NHS direct there call operators they take your details and the problem, they go and explain it to a doctor who then calls you back.. They say about 3 hours but its never that long, i got told 24 hrs before but had a call back 10mins later...

when the doc called you explain your problem and they either tell you what you can do or tell you if you need to see a doctor and they will give your number to a doctor who can call to arrange to see you.

i hope this helps x

NHS direct is aload of bollox! i called newyears eve as Noas eye was really swollen, it was 11 in the morning, they said they call back before 6 hours! I waited 2 hours then took him to the doctor. NHS direct called back 8am next morning!!! he was 2 month old!! thats 21 hours later!

sorry to rant.

I hope the GP will be to some help for you Erin! :hugs:
ooppss my bad :(

that's bad.. x
How did you get on at the doctors, did you get an understanding one?

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