Emily Kate Cruickshank 20/05/11


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Going to attempt writing my birth story although some of it is quite hazy! Also excuse typos as I'm on my phone.

My waters broke at 4am on Wednesday the 18th. I'd gotten up to the toilet and there was a big gush. I wasn't expecting it to be so dramatic and had an idea in my head that they would just trickle. After the first big gush they just kept going and I kept having to change my pj bottoms. I managed to get downstairs for the house phone and called the midwife unit while on the toilet! For some reason I thought because my waters had broken so quickly they would want me in straight away but I was told they could leave me uptown 96 hours and the mw on the phone booked me in for induction on the sunday. I called my mum and my krista (my birthing partner) who came over. Both of us naively thinking I'd be in established labour in the next few hours.
My mw came round that morning but didn't really do or so much, she didn't check how far I was dilated, which I expected her to do. I had started getting mild contractions at 6am about 2 hours after my waters broke. I wasn't in agony at that point and they were only 1 or 2 in 10 mins. Later on that afternoon krista and I went for a walk and they seemed to get a bit more intense but less frequent. I was awake the whole night because even though I wasn't in agony everytime I dropped off to sleep I woke up 5 mins later with the pains. Called the mw unit again and was told I was in early labour, the mw was a patronising cow ;)
Thursday morning came and I was getting annoyed with lack of sleep and I was sore. It wasnt so much the pain it was more the lack of sleep and that nothing seemed to be progressing. All this time I was still losing some waters.
My mw had gone off on holiday so I got a phonecall from another mw who said if I wanted to get a foot in the door at the maternity hospital I would need to say I had a decrease in fetal movement. I hadn't actually felt baby move that morning although that was quite normal for me. I called the hospital and they agreed to see me and check me.
Think we got there about 11am. I was monitored and contractions were showing up but still 2 in 10 and still only mild to moderate. I was checked and they said I was 3cm dilated. The mw said I might be sent home but after she talked to a consultant they decided to admit me and put me in a queue for the labour ward. For some reason about 12am Friday morning they decided to put me to the midwife unit they said they were going to break my fore waters. I was checked about 2am only to be told my fore waters had already gone so I was back waiting for a bed in the labour ward to be induced. At this point I was getting quite upset and I just felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I still hadn't slept and that was about 48 hrs with no more than 15 minutes sleep.
(Gosh this is long)
Anyway about 7/8am I was finally in the labour ward and felt relieved that something was going to happen! I was given the epidural at 10am, I just couldn't go any longer and I wanted the epidural before I was put in the drip. The drip was started about 11am I think. Even after the drip was started I didn't have many strong contractions. I didn't like having to be constantly monitored and I didn't like how medical it all felt! The midwife said she was going to check me at 4.30pm but she wasn't hopeful I would be anymore than 3cm dilated. Thankfully when she checked I was fully dilated!!!! I was so pleased. At 6.30 I was allowed to start pushing, I was determind at this point because I really didn't want a section and I just wanted her out! She was finally born at 7.57pm :) I was delighted and had skin to skin straight away, krista was Bawling her eyes out but I was just so amazed that I had grown this beautiful baby! After this its quite hazy, I tore quite badly and it felt like I was being stitched up for hours! Apparently I wasnt making much sense and I was even singing made up songs :lol: it must have been pure exhaustion because I didn't get any drugs or gas and air to send me mad! :p
I think I would have enjoyed labour if the early labour hadn't taken so long after my waters had broken. My hemoglobin fell to 63, I think its supposed to be between 110 and 120, so on Sunday I was given 3 blood transfusions and when we left hospital on Monday it had gone up a bit to 88. So I'm still a bit washed out but have felt more human today than I have done for a while!
Emily is so beautiful and precious that if I had to, I'd do it all over again and more just for her! She sleeps most of the time and only wakes twice in the night for a feed. I've never felt love like this before and being a mummy feels very natural to me. I'm delighted that emotionally Ive felt really well and haven't had proper baby blues.
I have to say thanks to everyone on here for being so supportive throughout my pregnancy and my labour. You're a great bunch and I would have been lost without your experiences, knowledge and crazy posts ;)

Beautiful story, you really are a trooper hun, you coped amazingly! :love: You finally are really pinkymum! xxx
Well done pinky! What a mission xx
Congrats Hun, you did brilliantly and Emily is a stunning little babba!!!
Well done Hun congratulations Xxx
Congrats, you did so well. My waters went on the loo too lol xx
massive congratualtions again hun. you did so well. xxx
Just found and read your story, many many congratulations!
Congrats! She is lovely!

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