I want twins!

I really wanted twins during my first pregancy (turns out I had a wonderful but single little boy). Since then one of my close friends had gone on to have twins and let me tell you - they are hard work :shock: I thought one baby was hard but two does more than double the load, mothers of twins deserve a medal :lol:

I think everyone likes the idea of twins but in reality it is so so much harder than a singleton in every aspect.
The pregnancy is high risk and very draining on the mum, we aren't built to carry a litter. The birth is again high risk and can turn into an emergency in seconds. They are often prem and low birth weight.
The newborn period is hideous, particularly of breast feeding.
As toddlers they are awful to supervise single handed, you have to have eyes in the back of your head!
As toddlers and infant schoolers they fight terribly at times.
Financially it's a nightmare. Two lots of uniforms, two wardrobes of clothes, two lots of letters for school trips!! It's very very expensive. They grow out of things at the same time, every time they need new school shoes it's x2, new beds x2, new bikes x2. You get the idea.
Seriously, twins in reality is not as fun as it looks.
There was a girl on here who said "my such and such has twins, I know how hard it is", no you don't love, it's very very different when a) you don't have to support them financially and b) you can hand them back! x

I hope you didn't take what I said the wrong way about my friend having twins. I didn't mean that I know what it feels like, I just meant that I have had a small glimpse of what twins are like to care for and realise that it is much harder work than a lot of people would think. I found one baby hard enough work, I have nothing but admiration for mothers of multiples. I hope I didn't offend anyone x
It wasn't anyone on this thread that said about their friend/relative having twins and I certainly wasn't offended by her, in fact, I chuckled at her naivety lol x
Like I said I wud love twins BUT just having the one ( as gar as I know) is draining me. Pregnancy doeant agree with me. I will be over the moon to find out if this little one is healthy and thats all I cud ask for. Twins is a lovely thought bui dont think my body cud cope with having twins
I really wanted twins last time - and my morning sickness and pg symptoms wre so strong at my 8 week mw appt that she said it could indicate a multiple pregnancy - which got my hopes up - but I got to my 12w scan and there was only one little bub :) never regretted that she wasn't twins tho, lol. there are twins on my side of the family so who knows next time round....
i think like cos said its the idea of twins and i have a friend with twins and well lets say she hardly gets any time for herself and often does not know which way to turn when they are both crying,very very hard work, think of 1 new born doubled yikes scary thought lol x
A colleague at work has 22yo twin boys - there was NO family history of twins on either side............
In identicals there doesnt have to be a family history, its a fluke of nature. In non identicals there is usually a family history along the maternal side. My family has 4 sets of non identicals on my mums side (nan, aunt and my sister all have non id's ) and 2 sets of identicals (me and my nan have id's) x
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No, I'm not, my sister has non id twins, she's not my twin lol x
In identicals there doesnt have to be a family history, its a fluke of nature. In non identicals there is usually a family history along the maternal side. My family has 4 sets of non identicals on my mums side (nan, aunt and my sister all have non id's ) and 2 sets of identicals (me and my nan have id's) x

Thats twintastic!!!

My nieces are non id and no twins on her side at all Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
My oh wants two kids, but if this is pregnancy then i dont want to go through it again, so think he is hoping its twins.... I on the other hand am not!!!!!
Well I'm having identical twins and I'm very much looking forward to it. They don't run on my side at all and they do on OH's but quite far back in his family so we had no idea about it until we did some asking about - although likeliness is it still comes from my side by chance.

Yes I do feel extra crappy, not only do I have extra symptoms but I've got a stomach infection that I have to live with untreated throughout the pregnancy. However, whilst at times I'll probably want to cry from the stress of bf-ing/running around after two, I am SO blessed and just pray everything goes okay.

I'd say the only downside to being pregnant with twins is the high risk of it all, at the same time there's a bonus that I get to see my bubs every 2 weeks through ultrasound, but I am constantly worried even in Tri 2 and Tri 3 and during birth I have no idea of the outcome. Where single pregnancies are a lot lower risk at my stage I'm still just praying and resting up with no idea what may happen.

However financially and everything else, even though I know it's going to be a huge struggle it'll be the best thing I ever do.

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