It's Twins!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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Hi All

Had my 7 week scan yesterday and they found twins! Gulp! It was lovely to see the flickering heart beats, finally made it real for us.

Really scared about the whole carrying 2 babies thing :shock:

Anyone else got twins on the way? I tried to buy a book but couldn't find any to help me. All the normal pregnancy books focus on one baby and just say, "you'll be extra tired and sick and bigger etc" with twins and then proceed to scare me with all the increased risks.

I have to say, I haven't been sick at all, or even felt nautious. I am tired but nothing horrific, and I'm peeing all the time.


7 weeks and 2 days
wow 2 little budles of joy!! Congratualtions!! :dance: :clap:
Thanks girls

I have a quick question as I don't have a midwife yet to ask - what's the score with having a nice bath during pregnancy. I heard they shouldn't be hot, but I love hot baths.

Any ideas?
Congratulations :cheer:
Oooh twins, you lucky lucky thing you!
Wow that's fabulous, I was just saying it would be great if someone had twins on the forum! Congratulations :D
we were only saying today how nice it would be to have atwin pregnancy on the forum!!!! :dance: :dance:

how lovely!!!

Thats wonderful news, hope you have happy healthy pg!

Em x
wow double celebration congrats to you xx

you'll be fine so exciting and a little scary :wink:
lots of congratulations - you lucky girl !!!

my best friend is a midwife, has twins herself and runs parenting groups for parents expecting twins........
if you like, you could pm you email address and I could ask her to get in contact with you........... she is a really fab person and loves talking to people about twins !!!111

Wicked!!!! Im sure you will be fine, enjoy your pregnancy!!
wow thats great news!!!!

lozzi i still think you may have twins :wink: lol
lol you and everyone else.....

its scary im HUGEEEEEE for my dates, like a bloody beached whale... im gonna be on a post preggers diet for YEARS haha
Thanks everyone, you're all so nice!

I'll keep you all posted on their progress as i get scanned every 2 weeks till about 16 weeks.

Take care all of you.


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