MASSIVE weight gain in 1 week..


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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They must have got the scales wrong last week, ive had bailey weighed today and he weighs a whopping 6lb 8 oz's.. if it was right last week at 5lb 2 that means hes put on a massive 1lb 6oz's.. surely not, i dont believe it at all. he was naked today and last week he had a nappy on so i dont understand at all..

Hes only had 1 bottle of formula and that was 2 oz's, not enough to give him a weight gain like that..

And ive been worrying over nothing, im not gonna feed him formula now, just to see what he weighs next week.. oh my, he is such a hungary ganit though so do you think its at all possible hes gained that much this week.. :?
did you see you HV about your possible thrush SSS?

great weight gain bTW
yes budge hun i did, i updated the thread earlier when i got bck, and he does have thrush and so do i :roll:

been given some drops for him and some cream for me, she was gonna refer him to the docs cos hes under 1 month i said ffs come on hes 3 days from being a month old.. stupid cow she was i dont like her and she dont like me, but she did say i was doing ok with everything.. she was only trying to get rid of me to see doc instead cos she had like 10 babys to see .. grr they make me mad sometimes, but nope i made her see him :rotfl: i wasnt waiting for appointment with doc in a few days time, i want this cleared up... :hug:

what do u think about his weight gain, too much maybe, hes gonna be a corker if he carys on isnt he :rotfl:
I think you are right that last week the weight was just wrong. At that age and BF Ellie was gaining approx 8oz per week.
sunshinestars said:
yes budge hun i did, i updated the thread earlier when i got bck, and he does have thrush and so do i :roll:

been given some drops for him and some cream for me, she was gonna refer him to the docs cos hes under 1 month i said ffs come on hes 3 days from being a month old.. stupid cow she was i dont like her and she dont like me, but she did say i was doing ok with everything.. she was only trying to get rid of me to see doc instead cos she had like 10 babys to see .. grr they make me mad sometimes, but nope i made her see him :rotfl: i wasnt waiting for appointment with doc in a few days time, i want this cleared up... :hug:

what do u think about his weight gain, too much maybe, hes gonna be a corker if he carys on isnt he :rotfl:

sorryi missed the update1 i am glad you got it sorted. Have u got tablets and cream? has bailey got cream for his tongue?
she only gave me cream and bailey some drops for his tongue.. :think: no tablets for me..
Nicky_Jones said:
I think you are right that last week the weight was just wrong. At that age and BF Ellie was gaining approx 8oz per week.

im going to see what happens this week, last week i was so upset cos i thought he had lost loads of weight....hopefully he didnt...
sunshinestars said:
she only gave me cream and bailey some drops for his tongue.. :think: no tablets for me..

well you need tablets. if you are only treating bailey the infection will be passed to anf fro.
who did you see? a midwife or HV?
health visitor.. not my normal one though shes away now for 2 weeks, ive got cream i have to put on in between feeds and when im due to feed bailey i have to take it off so he doesnt get it in his mouth.. i dont see a midwife anymore havent done since bailey was 2 weeks old..
phone your midwife.
she will be more up to date on what to do with thrush for BF women.
she won't mind you phoning her.
Just had the breast feeding lady ring, so i asked her, she said it sounds like im in the early stages of thrush and to give the cream a try for a couple of days, it will penetrate through to the milk ducts, if it doesnt ease then to give gp a ring, so ive made an appointment for friday just incase so i dont have to wait, i can always cancel if needs be, she is going to pop a leaflet in for me tommorrow which explains all the different types of breast thrush you can get cos theres loads of different types, so its just a waiting game to see what happens over the next few days, bailey should clear up after 5 days treatment she said,
so glad to hear of Bailey's weight gain...........

well done to both of you :clap: :clap:
So glad to hear of the weight gain! :cheer: :hug:

The scales could have been wrong but you never know-Brody put on 10oz in 3 days when he was 2 weeks old!
Definately a doable weight gain, both mine put on over 1lb a week in the first few weeks. Alex was a dinky 6lb 1oz at birth and is over 18lb now at 19 weeks, some babies gain more than others :)
could be the scales wrong or great weight gain...seems strange he would of lost so much then huge gain..either way must be a huge relief

well done Bailey

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