Old member returning with new bump :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Hiya, You all probably wont know me lol (unless some old members are still floating about..) but i was a regular here a few years ago :) and ive missed the fun and support of the pregnancy forum.. even though ive remained in contact with some members i got really close to..

I am now 15 weeks pregnant with my third child (my partner's first) and i'd like to be a part of the forum again!

We arent finding out the sex of the baby but due to the 'nub theory' (posted a link to the site i saw that explains it fully in a due in November thread) im convinced its a girl.. whereas all the signs im having are pointing to boy!

I have two girls, so a boy would be nice.. but im happy as long as its healthy :D

Thought i would just introduce myself before i jump in and post away on other peoples threads lol!

Hoping to make many new friends again, and wishing you all a healthy, happy pregnancy and (quick and painfree please!!) birth!

Joanne xxx
Hi hunny
Welcome back and congratulations on your pregnancy :) x x

Welcome back. I'm pg with my first and this place has been great, I'm sure you'll fall back in love with it all over again!!
:) xxx
Here is my scan pic 12 weeks and 3 days :)
The sonographer took it apon herself to reassure us it was just the cord that we could see.. we didnt even ask lol!

hi hun and welcome back im also due in november, the 20th and im 14 weeks and 1 day my tickers a day out i havent changed it yet lol wishing you a pain free labour and birth lol :p
Hi there, good luck with your pregnancy and I look forward to following your journey on here. X
Hi there and all the best for your third!
Hi and welcome back!! I think you are right with your nub theory...:)
Hiya, welcome back and congratulations on your pregnancy xxx
Thank you all for the warm welcome :)
It seems as though this nub theory has really taken off! Id never heard of it til the other week! I wonder how it came about as i know there was nothing like that around with my last two!
Seen that this post had been bumped! Thought you were expecting another little bundle!! X
Congratulations and welcome back! xx
Hi not seen you around much hope you are all ok. X
Hi! I remember you! When I had my fist in 2011!! I'm now 15 weeks with no3!! Xx
Congrats on your new bump xx
Bluebell I remember jayceesmumma from 2011 with my first as well! When was your first born? X

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