Periods + Breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Anyone else exclusively booby feed but still have periods?
I appear to have just come on - so far it is light, but still blumming annoying - I was hoping to avoid the monthlys again this time :( :(
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I exclusively breastfeed and had my first period about 5 weeks after starting to wean onto solids at 6 months - so when DD was about 7 months. They are heavy and horrible now though.

Valentine Xxx
Can't figure out why I am bleeding now then :(

Anyone have any ideas? I stopped bleeding after having him at about 6 1/2 weeks and came on lightly yesterday.
i thought i was coming on yesterday as i had stomach cramps, nothing yet though :pray:

i'll be gutted if i dont get a few months blob free. the boob feeding doesnt seem to be making me lose weight either, i was putting on weight till I joined weightwatchers a few days ago! they lied! :doh:
I got a period at 4 months, then another about 6 weeks after - I was gutted too! I'm not used to it and keep getting caught short when I'm out without tampax :oops:
I got mine back at 5 and a half months
I didn't get mine back until last month when Brody dropped to just his bedtime feed! I think it's just a case of everyone is different I'm afraid :hug: :hug:
your lucky! i want mine back to try for another baby.
my daughter is 4 months this week and want to b feed till she is 6 months atleast, but then again i wont want to stop feeding her as i LOVE IT!!!
Its a tricky one.Hopefully ill get my periods back soon, maybe its my style as rhiannon has a few comfort feeds a day too but sleeps 11 hours at night.

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