Poor Hebe

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Hebe has eczema and like me generally sensitive skin.

This morning she was in bed with me having a cuddle and playing and I'd just rubbed some Bio Oil on my belly....she went to give me a cuddle and rested her head on my tummy....as soon as she did it I thought 'Oh $hit!'

So her face has come up in a massive rash reaction to it and I feel so bad. I've rinsed it with warm water and put her Epaderm cream on :( I just hope it goes soon - poor pickle.
Don't feel bad lisa these things happen :hug:

you will proberly find it doesn't even bother her just looks like it should. Hope it settles down for you both soon
You know when you think 'bloody hell I shoulda seen THAT coming....' :wall:
I'll say!! :lol: She seems happy enough TBH......currently trying to bite the dog so.......:roll:
:rofl: If she's trying to bite the dog, all must be well!

Try not to feel bad. :petal:

Aw por Hebe, but it sounds like she's feeling ok in herself :rofl: Biting the dog :lol:
her skin's still a bit patchy but it's gone right down. She's been her usual mental self today! :lol:
It sounds like a momentary lapse and no harm, no foul. Poor ickle Hebe, childhood eczema is just so awful for them :hug: but I'm sure she's fine now - especially if trying to bite the dog :lol:
Poor Hebe and poor you.. Glad she's okay, and don't blame yourself.. These things happen x
How's the gorgeous Hebe now hun? :hug:
Thanks for asking honey.

Her skin is fine really - still got the eczema but she's actually just spent the last 45 mins in a coughing fit and is still going :cry: I am at my wits end with her poor chest. I'm going to the dr tomorrow with her. I simply dont accept it's asthma. She coughs up phlegm. That's not asthma. It's been 8/9 months and the only reason that the poor child isnt mentally tormented by ut us because she's never known a day in her memory that she's not coughed :cry:
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her chest? No..... I want referring to see someone though. I'm getting worried they are missing something serious.
I'd push for an x-ray hun, it's such a stress for you all :(

Poor lil love, let us know how she gets on :hug:
Bless her...must be awful :( I hope someone can find something that will help her :(

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