
Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Went to get the results of my seconed blood test today and it still shows I'm not ovulating and I still probably got PCOS. My glucose came back normal so thats a relief. So I've been referred to the gynae. I was given a printout with my details on and had to phone the hospital for my appointment, doc said there wasn't a big wait for it only about a month. Cool, I thought, the sooner the better. So phoned up and the short wait for the next available appointment is the 5th of December :shock: , 13 weeks!!! At least I know somethings gonna be done. The doc advised to get OH to get a sperm count done too, lol, I said I'd help out :wink: , he said "don't bring me into it". Men, eh!
ah sorry you have to waot that long but like you said at least something is getting sorted... good luck with it all.

It's great that something's being done, when I first started having problems it took ages for the doctor to take me seriously.

Have you had an ultrasound? My PCOS was diagnosed in June this year following a scan. It's still not been confirmed 100% because my blood test results weren't accurate as I somehow managed to get pregnant before they took the blood sample!

Good luck.

It might be worth seeing about going private if you don't want to wait that long. I think our first appointment with the consultant was £130.

Good luck with the tests.


Glad you are getting somewhere- good luck :pray: :hug:
Great news that they are getting things moving for you, December will come soon enough! Good luck :hug:

Hun hope you get it figured out soon must be real tough and frusterating
glad you are moving forward, good luck with the tests! :hug:
Not had scan yet, Maybebaby, cos the gp cant request it the gynaecologist does.Great you got pg before your blood test.
Not thought about private, December 5th will come round soon enough, only came off pill in May so not quite so desperate, yet . Although I did "accidentally" wonder through to the baby clothes section in next today and they had the cutest little newborn girls dungerees set :)
Thanx everyone for the support :hug:
Had a letter from the hospital this morning. They said they're very sorry but due to unforseen circumstances my appointment has been changed. It was on the 5th December but now it's on the 23rd of October!!! 6 weeks earlier, and they're sorry :cheer: . Only 5 weeks to go now, better that another 11 weeks.
:dance: :dance: :dance:
Hospital cock-ups - fantastic :lol:

Well done, not long to wait now!

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