Swine flu jab?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Hey, i've been offered the swine flu vaccine, have to decide before my scan on Wednesday.. I don't think I want it done but i'm still afraid?

Did any of you have it done? I know it's really personal but just looking some advice, thanks!

Iv heard a few things that put me off giving my daughter the swine flu jab, such as can make them ill for a week after etc, but havent really heard much about pregnant women. I havent been offered mine, but i think its later on in pregnancy that if you get swine flu it can cause problems. Personally i dont want the jab. Just try and find as much info as you can before you make a desision. Good luck! x
I had mine end of last year as I work in the NHS. I had a really sore arm for about a week after, felt really heavy and couldn't lie or lift my left arm but once that subsided I had no problems at all. I had the normal annual flu jab in the other arm at the same time and suffered no side effects at all. It's up to you really but I didn't think twice when it came to my DS from having his as he suffers from asthma and he coped better than I did with the sore arm lol
I did think long and hard about having this but decided to go with it in the end.
I had the swine flu jab in early stages of my pregnancy and i was fine afterwards, the only thing i had was a sore arm the next day but that was it.
My pregnancy has been fine and no problems. :)
I also had the seasonal flu jab and had no problems with that either. :)

Katie xxx

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