Traveling at 24 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
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I am flying from Chicago to Orlando in April, I will be 24 weeks pregnant by then. When I fly I usually get "travelers stomach" not quite barfing but VERY miserable. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what I can do to eliminate that. I usually took non-drowsey Dramamine, but that obviously out of the question now. Please help?
Hi there
Just into second trimester myself, the sickness feeling has worn off for me, but a friend recommended ginger biscuits to me which were my miracle cure.
Ginger is definitely recommended (in any form) to help quash nausea. I hope this helps.....
Thank you for the tip. Maybe I'll just drink gallons of Ginger Ale. :lol: And take an isle seat so I don't annoy anyone with having to pee so much.
How long is the flight for you? I'm also finding that reading makes me feel really sick...
Its only about two hours, I plan to sleep if my hubby will let me. Last flight the minute I closed my eyes, he had something to say. I just really hope I don't get too sick, because we are going straight to Epcot as soon as we get off the plane.
It sounds really exciting. Try not to worry too much about it my sickness seemed to just disappear overnight (well massively reduce anyway). So it may not even be an issue for you when the time comes.
As for your hubby, tell him to be quiet! Perhaps take some earplugs and an eye mask! And get him to massage your feet during the journey. I hope you have a wonderful time!

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