VBAC and HBAC hopefuls support thread


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Hi girls.

So I'm still fighting to birth the way nature intended and being met with walls at every turn.
Consultant says no, oh says go with dr advice, family and friends all say to go with dr as its what's best for baby.

I have zero support.

I don't want constant monitoring, I don't want a "just in case" cannula in my hand, I want to labour in water (and deliver too), I don't want induction if overdue and I don't want my labour to be on a timer.

Most of all I DON'T WANT ANOTHER SECTION!!!!!!!!!! Stop asking!!!!!!

Anyway, if anyone could give experiences of vbac/hbac, support or just generally share how they coped with the barrage of negativity for vbac's, please post xxxx
I was offered a chance of delivering normally. But I choose to do it safely so I knew if I hadn't laboured before my section date it would still go ahead. As I had risks of still birth.

You should speak to your consultants hun, I did and some said no to induction again and others said yes to having the chance to labour naturally. Just got to persevere and keep asking them and telling them what you want.
What does VBAC and HBAC stand for?
I don't have any advice to offer, but I hope that you can get the delivery you hope for. :hug: x
Vaginal birth after caesarian or home birth after Caesarian :)

Thanks girls, I'm really up against it xx
Ooh thank you! :)

Are you're consultants willing to come to some sort of agreement and have at least some of the things you want? x
I'm hoping for a VBAC and my consultant is really supportive providing certain criteria are met over the next few months. I have had a natural delivery and an emergency section (although I knew I was going to have a section from early on as I had a placenta praevia) I probably won't be able to have a VBAC if I go over dates and need inducing, I won't be able to have any kind of spinal or epidural either as I am on clexane so if I need a section as a matter of urgency and have taken clexane within a 12 hour period I will also probably need a GA, I've been told to swap when I take my clexane as of 20 weeks to make it more possible and know the placenta needs to be well away from any previous scar tissue due to the risk of bleeding. I'm willing to take advice as I really do have faith in my consultant. But in her words I can labour and deliver naturally as I have done so before so she will do everything in her power to facilitate the birth I'd like.... FX lol

I can't really offer you advice as I think every case is individual and everybody has different hopes and ideas, I would make sure you feel you are getting the advice you need though, ask the midwife if you can see a specialist VBAC consultant, I know my hospital has one and then it's up to you to weigh up the pros and cons, if you have everything explained to you properly including the risks and benefits at least you can make an informed decision. Good luck xxx
At the last appointment they said no to everything :(
I said what about intermittent monitoring - no
What about I bring my own pool to labour and delivery and I don't use the pool in the mw led centre - no, no water at all

I don't want the cannula "just in case" - you must

I don't want to be induced if I go over, I want monitoring - no, you can go over by 12 days, that's it

I don't want lots of vag examinations - tough!

The thing is, the risk of uterine rupture in a vbac is less than 1 in 5-600. These figures include all ruptures, mild, moderate and even UR in unscarred uterus's (uterii??)
The risk is around the same as a normal delivery having a cord prolapse.
Very very small risk.

One of the first signs of UR is scar pain between contractions, drop in maternal BP and change in mothers behaviour.

How can you observe this if she's strapped to a bed (which often leads to instrumental, or stalled labour, or bloody c section!)

The most in affective and unnatural position for a labouring mother is on her back x
Hope you don't mind me asking but why are they saying you need another section? Why did you have one last time and what additional risk factors do you have? xxx
I had one last time because twin 2 suffered a cord prolapse and arm presentation due to a transverse lie.
I don't know why they keep asking if I want a section! Easier for them to manage? I don't contract so removes the risk of UR???? I'm not sure, I didn't ask because I didn't even enter into conversation about a section x
So are they not letting you have a vbac at all? In my trust it is encouraged, but like you a big no no to wbac and hbac.

I know you do not wish for constant monitoring but it really doesn't mean you have to sit on bed. Mobilising is encouraged and also delivering in whichever position you want is your choice.

Is there a consultant midwife in your hospital that you can see? X
They want me to vbac but with constant monitoring.
Last time I had constant monitoring, the leads were very short and didn't allow me to move. When I did move it lost contact and the mw came in moaning!

I have a meeting with the head mw in the next few weeks to try and come to an agreement x
I hope you get some answers and can find some way in which you can labour as you would like. I know I cant have a wb but am just pleased about the possibility of doing it myself lol. I did get in the water when i was labouring with my first and tbh i didnt actually like it lol.

A precautionary cannula is a good thing if you can bear it, it doesnt have to be hooked to anything so shouldn't be noticible to you too much and its fine in water. good luck!
I think that is definitely a good idea as midwives do see things from a different perspective and will want to do the best she can to make the experience what you want. All that can be done is give you an informed Choice but nothing can be done without your consent e.g a cannula. I really really hope the midwife can help you cos :) xxx
At the last appointment they said no to everything :(
I said what about intermittent monitoring - no
What about I bring my own pool to labour and delivery and I don't use the pool in the mw led centre - no, no water at all

I don't want the cannula "just in case" - you must

I don't want to be induced if I go over, I want monitoring - no, you can go over by 12 days, that's it

I don't want lots of vag examinations - tough!

The thing is, the risk of uterine rupture in a vbac is less than 1 in 5-600. These figures include all ruptures, mild, moderate and even UR in unscarred uterus's (uterii??)
The risk is around the same as a normal delivery having a cord prolapse.
Very very small risk.

One of the first signs of UR is scar pain between contractions, drop in maternal BP and change in mothers behaviour.

How can you observe this if she's strapped to a bed (which often leads to instrumental, or stalled labour, or bloody c section!)

The most in affective and unnatural position for a labouring mother is on her back x

:( I'm sorry they're not giving you much room for input, lets hope that the MWs think of a plan to try and get it more tailoured to your wants and needs! x
I hope so hun, I wasn't expecting them to have such rigid ideas about a vbac.
I've since done a lot of research and feel (a bit) more confident asking for compromise x
I hope so hun, I wasn't expecting them to have such rigid ideas about a vbac.
I've since done a lot of research and feel (a bit) more confident asking for compromise x

I suppose that even though it's really frustrating and disheartening, at least they are making sure they have lots of measures in place for yours and LO health. If it's what you really want, stand your ground and use the info you have found to back up your argument. You may not get everything you want but anything is a bonus! x
I know it's all done with best intentions but I would like to reach a half way house.
I'm not saying no monitoring, just not strapped to the thing from start to end x
I have no exp of birth as this is my first but I just wanted to show my support and say I hope you can come to a good compromise with everyone happy and a safe delivery with healthy and happy mum and baby.


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