Well tomorow is the day I would prob have had my baby

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Well , knew this day would get here at some point -

(I chose not to put this in the loss section as I am now pregnant again, and not every lady is so lucky, so quickly)

I have sections at 38 weeks normally. Tomorow (monday 13th) is the day when I believe my lost little baby would have arrived. (not a great date the 13th mind you!).

Have taken the 28th sept off work , my actual due date , so I can not go to work, (but the 13th seems as strong a day for me as more real, never been beyond this point)

On the 28th I will do something nice to remember the baby - have lots of ideas, but I've not completly decided yet, and running out of time, to choose

If I didn't have Devon inside, me by now, I think I would fall apart even more:oooo:

How did anyone else get past due dates ok? what did you do?
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Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs: x x

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Big hugs hon. My due date would have been next week and I'm really finding it hard so know where ur coning from. That mixed with the guilt of feeling bad for a loss while you are carrying a new baby is so bittersweet. Thinking of u lots. x x x x
Oh Hun I know how your feeling my
First due date is arriving fast 25th this month. Sending you big hugs and lots of love x x x x
My first Angel's due date has been and gone, and I really had a tough day, especially as I'd already lost my second Angel by then.
My second Angel's due date is around Christmas, but I'm not going to let that put a dampner on things!
I think I'll hang two little angels on my Christmas tree, so they can enjoy the day too.

I reccommend curling up and having a duvet day if possible, with some happy movies and a ton of chocolate, and some well deserved cuddles from your lovely family.
Maybe a girly duvet night with Briony?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hugs honey x thinking of you x
i lived near the beach and spent my due date sat on beach was great for clearing head as it was wintery and i took a stone home with me i still have it on shelf with my angel stuff its a hard day to get thru big hugs xxxxxx
:hug: hope you are OK hun. What about a family picnic, you could all release a baloon each for the angel that went too soon. You could let go of 2 - one from you and one from Devon? xx
Thanks girls,

Sending hugs to al of you with angel days coming up too, Karen, and Smess XX
Princess, thanks,pink and blue balloons that's one of the ideas on my list! that or those sky lanterns, or a rose, or name a star, or a family meal out and make Angel day a family day - but I really like your idea too Leah, for the Angel for the tree, I like crafting , so I might make it myself on the 28th, be a nice thing to do on the day

Thanks for your thoughts girls X
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