What do I need for my hospital bag?

Don't know if it's been said or not but a hand held fan. That was the only thing I wanted when I was having DD that the MW took nearly 3 hours to provide me with!!!!
Ive got some unused freebies for hospital bags to pass on. see the classifieds thread :)
I've just brought my 4th lit of sweets for my bag! If they get eaten I give up lol
how many breast pads are recommended to take I have a box but not individually wrapped so not sure how many I will need to take???
just popped on here for a quick look as im gunna buy bits each week! Can't believe how much there is... beggining to think a home birth could just be easier as its all at hand! ahaha !st thing to buy.....BIG BAG!
Lol setdse, I bunged everything into the crib in the nursery as I got it ready and told the OH it was all sorted and there just in case....luckily he went to have a look and was like 'so how am I gonna carry all this stuff?'...have now got everything sorted into bags :)

Hospital notes
Dark coloured towel for shower/bath after birth
Nightie/pyjamas for birth
Underwear (for walks or to hold pad in if your waters have went)
Mobile/change for payphone
Birth plan
Massage oil (if you want your partner to massage your back in labour
Dressing gown
Camera/video camera
Slippers/flipflops (flipflops are great so feet doesn't have to touch the floors of the showers )
Outfit for baby

Jesus! how big is the bag going to need to be???? :)
Takes up less room than you think :D I'm just using a basic gym bag and i've got piles of space left over!

after Donna Hobbs Really early delivery recently to lovely Katie, im gunna try and ge this ready asap. OH found his old gym bag so gunna just collect everything and then make a bag for me and 1 for baby. That way easier at the hospital to get bits and noone has to go rumaging around in a huge bag looking for something for the baby.

How many nappies should we take?? and what sizes??
I've just put a packet of 27 of 1st size ones in. They are a lot more compact if left sealed in the bag so I didn't see the point in taking them out, heh. Better to have too many i suppose :D

if baby comes out to big for the nappies willl they supply spares tho or wil i have to send OH home to get bigger sizes
my hosp will supply if we run short so im assuming they have a cpl sizes!
i didnt use half of what was in my hospital bag but one thing i can say is BIG COTTON VERY COMFY KNICKS IS A MUST HAVE!
I took;

Maternity pads which I didn't use as the hospital have bigger, thicker pads than the shop bought ones and I was bleeding very very heavily (700mls all at once at one point)!

'Granny' knickers like evelina said above and my advise would be, take loads! I bled through 2 pads and 2 pairs of knickers and had only took 3 pairs!

Travel toiletries which were a god send! I had my own bathroom with a huge bath and being able to soak and wash after birth was brilliant!

Toothbrush and paste are essential!

Pyjamas which I didn't use due to blood loss. I just had a top on and then knickers.

Clothes for following day. I packed my maternity jeans and was grateful I did as I felt like I'd been in a boxing match the day after!

Hairbrush and styling products which were also essential.

Lip balm which was lovely as entinox dries your lips out, as do hospitals IMO.

Box of chocolates for midwives and a blank thank you card. They were so grateful! It was lovely.

Phone charger, digital camera, spare batteries and lots of change just in case.

For baby I took;

6 sleep suits but only used two as he wasn't at all sick, unlike DD who'd gone through 4 sleep suits in about 20 minutes!

3 vests but only used one.

Going home outfit including coat.


Nappies and wipes, though there is some at hospital but I packed loads!

I didn't bother to take any food as I don't like to eat during labour and after giving birth the midwives got us both toast and a big jug of water.

Hope this helps x
Aww Helen, that's a really nice idea about taking a blank card with you! :)
Do I need to pack different things in my hospital bag if i am having a C section?
I could be in hospital for up to 72 hours after baby is born (as have to wait for discharge approval by social workers) How many nappies/clothes sets would you guys reccomend? I have I think 15 nappies, and 4 outfits for baby already packed, will that be enough?
mommakat deffo more nappies, im taking a pack of 24 and im hoping to only be in a day or 2 max.
also I have 3 sleepsuits and 3 vests packed.
when i had my son sometimes wen ur changing them they get poo on the vest or sick on the sleepsuit etc so its constnt changes haha
id pack 6 or 2 vests and sleepsuits x

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