What Do I Need For My Hospital Bag


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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Couple of suggestions not so much for your bag:

  • A bag for Daddy, my OH was with me through the 24 hours at some points bored and hungry. Sweets, cartons of juice, book, magazines, hand-held console, MP3 player, spare sock, spare pants, spare t.shirt.
  • LOTS of change in a pouch.
A bottle of champagne?? Essentials first obviously!
Here is what I put in my bag:

Maternity Notes
Birth Plan
Washbag: shampoo, conditioner, facewash, showergel, flannels, moisturiser, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair bobbins, hair band
2 towels (one for body and hair)
4 pairs knickers
maternity pads
warm socks/totes for labour
slippers/flip flops
3 night shirts.
Dressing gown
Phone charger
Camera and charger
Back massager
magicool spray
snacks and sweets
lavender oil
bendy straws
massage/baby oil
make up
going home outfit
bikini for birthing pool

change of t-shirt/underwear/swim shorts for OH
I would take lots of underwear when I have another baby as I lost a lot of blood all at once and could have done with an extra couple of pairs.

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
So far for my bag I have:
3 nighties
10 disposable knickers
20 maternity pads
Dressing gown

I have no idea what else I'll need so will keep an eye on this thread.x
a few women who have had their babies have told me to pack straws so ur partner can easily feed you a drink! xx
Can you get magicool spray in shops at this time of year, or do I need to get it online? I had a look for it in Boots the other day but couldn't find it. Thanks.
Found this list on google

Change for the car park (easy to forget in the rush)!
Maternity Notes...Quite important to remember!
Mobile phone - handy for that all important 'I've done it' message to loved ones.
For Labour:
Birth Plan
Dressing Gown
Socks – in case you get cold feet in labour!
T-Shirt - to wear for the birth
Massage Oil
Labour 'energiser'
Energy Sweets
Watch – to time contractions
Books/Mags/Music – to pass the time
Tens Machine
Water Spray Bottle - cool yourself down
CD/MP3 Player (battery, not mains operated)*– favourite tunes make labour more bearable!
Small Sponge - great for taking small sips of water & to cool down with
Flannel - get your birth partner to mop your brow!
Hair Brush
Hair Bands
Hair clips
Water – small bottles are easier to sip from
Antenatal Notes
Bach Rescue Remedy – for times of crisis
Birth Ball – some labour wards provide them
For Birth Partner

Change of Clothes
Snacks & Drinks
For After the Birth:
Going home outfit (someone can always bring that in for you later)
Knickers – disposable or cheap cotton 'big pants'
Nursing Bras – best to get properly fitted in late pregnancy
Breast Pads
Maternity Pads - take a couple of packs & have someone bring in more if need be
Nightdress that's suitable for breastfeeding (more comfy than PJs if you have stitches)
Dressing Gown, lightweight - hospitals are hot!
Shower Gel
Deodorant - hospitals are hot!
Hand Cream*
Towels – ones that don’t matter, dark colours are good!
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Arnica – helps with possible bruising
Lavender Oil – a few drops in your bath can help healing and also relax you
Tea Tree Oil – a few drops in your bath can help healing
Nipple cream – well worth packing!
Cosmetics (if you can't bear the thought of being seen 'au naturel').
Favourite breakfast cereal/ tea bags
Fruit juice/mineral water
Inflatable Feeding Pillow
Ear plugs – in case you find yourself with the only sleeping baby on a noisy ward!
Small plastic jug - some people swear by it....perhaps best not to ask why beforehand!
*For Baby:
Car Seat
One outfit for going home
Baby bundlers/gowns – great for night time nappy changes
Baby Bodysuits/Vests
Muslin Squares
Baby Toiletries (all our toiletries are organic)*- Shampoo/bodywash and Moisturiser
Baby Nail Scissors & clippers - babies nails can be surprisingly long at birth
Cotton Wool balls....you'll be surprised how many you get through
Nappy Sacks - degradable or non-degradable.* How eco friendly do you want to be?
Nappy Cream
Baby Wipes - organic or not*(useful to freshen up yourself, if not baby)!
Scratch Mittens
Bottles if required/milk - if not breastfeeding
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i remember the days when the hosp provided the nappies creams wipes and milk in ready made bottles.the NHS really is strapped for cash these days.
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Wow that list is so long. I haven't even started thinking about all of this yet lol :') I still have plenty of time though... Right? :lol:
Yikes thats some list! :\..I have a feeling i wont be needing half of that haha!..Hopefully not anyway! hehe.
straws for having a drink easily were the best things we took and also a fan if you have one!
I dont remember taking that much with my first LO lol :p Basics really, didnt really bother to take snacks n drinks, thats what i thought the vending machines were for ;) hehe
I will definitely be packing a face cloth to use as a cold compress on my forehead. Reason for this being that when i was in labour the last time they didnt have anything I could use and they ended up wetting a sanitary towel with cold water and stickingit onto my head!! Talk about feeling like a total idiot, as if labour isnt undignified enough,lol!
Oh Happyred!!!!!!!!!!!
At least now you can giggle about it, deffo a story to tell your kiddies :)

I will now be added face cloth to my list for sures!
I've got
Maternity notes - birth plan
disposible pants
maternity pads
breast pads
deodrant - roll on and spray
change of clothes for going home
lip balm

for baby
3 vests
3 baby grows
cotton wool
going home outfit

anything else I might need? :)
I'm curious to know what the small plastic jug is for???
A wallet/folder for all the paperwork/things to keep safe issued after LO is here eg registration form xx

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