When to give up dream feed?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Imogen now sleeps from 7 ish til 7 but we give her a dream feed around 11/11.30pm. Sometimes she stirs (as this is our bedtime) but other nights I just feed her while she is still sort of asleep. She takes between 2-4 oz.

She is on 3 meals a day and eats well. Prob drinks between 15-18ox formula a day but has cow's milk in with her cereal and some food etc.

When do you know when it's time to drop the dream feed? Obviously we don't want her waking in the night for a feed but I know we have to take a chance and see what happens to find out!

Were there any indicators that your LO didn't need a dream feed anymore? Please share!

We will prob feed her in a minute as we really need our sleep tonight (have both had tummy bug so was very sleep deprived last night)....

thanks xx
We stopped it a few weeks ago and haven't looked back! It wasn't entirely deliberate - we were on holiday and exhausted from travelling. Woke up to give her her dreamfeed and it was 5.30am! That was when she was sleeping till with the 11pm feed so we haven't given it to her since. Think it's just a case of being brave!
We did it about 6.5 motnhs and it was fine - she never woke for it.
Just dropped the bedtime feed and that was fine too - you just have to bite the bullet and see how it goes!

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