After the birth - heartburn and SPD


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Hi Mums

Just wanted to know from anyone who had quite bad heartburn towards the end of their pregnancies, whether after the birth all heartburn symptoms just disappeared straight away? Or whether it took a period of time for things to get back to normal? I'd never had heartburn before pregnancy so am hoping that it'll just go after the birth. I can't sleep in a propped up position so am finding it difficult now at night to sleep properly without waking up with the taste of sick in my mouth all the time :puke:

Also the same sort of question for Mums who suffered SPD during their pregnancies. Did you find your symptoms eased after the birth? Did it depend on how active (possibly how much you overdid things) in labour? I know my physio said that it could take up to 13 weeks after the birth for things to get back to normal but I'm sure I've seen posts from kalia and DebbieM who are still experiencing a lot of pain.

I am just looking forward to my body returning to normal :D It feels as though I have been pregnant for so long :D
I had terrible heartburn, if I was able to sleep in the last weeks it was upright hehe. Mine went quite soon after the birth, the day after I had her I sent OH a message saying 'It feels so good to have a cup of tea with no heartburn!' But I still get small bouts of it now and again whereas I didn't before.

SPD, well,my hips hurt for a week or two after but it gradually went away. However some people can suffer long after the birth I'm sorry to say! I guess it depends how bad it is.
I had Heartburn and SPD during pregnancy :(

The heartburn disappeared once i had LO. Never been bothered with it since :cheer:

SPD well i still have a few niggles even now. Walking long distances can start to hurt and my stride is not as good as it used to be IYNWIM. OH always moans about me walking slowly but i just cant go any faster my hips wont allow it. And lying on my side still seems to be uncomfortable.
But on the whole it is much better than it was in pregnancy. It does take time though and in the early weeks after Calleighs birth i was still suffering from not being able to get up out of a chair/bed so easily.
I didn't have heartburn much but my spd was worse after the birth :( lasted 3 weeks then it really improved, get odd niggles from time to time now
Thanks ladies :D That sounds like good news on both fronts more or less. Am really pleased about the heartburn going so quickly :cheer: It must be such a relief for you all where sleeping is concerned.

My SPD isn't too bad, there are certainly girls who have it much worse than I do, so I'm hopeful that things should recover. I guess the trick is to keep listening to your body and not try to overdo it! :D
Heartburn was gone straight after :hug:

SPD......I had to have a c-section cos I basically couldnt move. Everythign went to normal 2 weeks after. (But I bet, if I had a natural birth I would still be suffwering).

Thought still remember physio poking my legs and make me lift them the next morning (pain killers and spinal were still working lol) and asking if i can do it. And me in a great happiness answering that everything is gone and its a miracle :rotfl:

Understood how bad it still was only after a few days when finally got home :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:
SPD not gone for me Im afraid :(( Wish it would xxx
Heartburn went about a week or two after birth, SPD faded and I'd say it had more or less gone when Ellie was about 4months old although I still get pain sometimes now I have never had the greatest of hips so likely due to that :)
Good news for me...It took me 4 days to realise but heartburn went right away!! OH had bought lots of ginger biscuits for me to come home to too!

SPD also seems to have cleared right up too, but I am still dosed up on painkillers! I'm pretty certain it has passed! :)
Thanks for the replies and :hug: s for those still suffering from the SPD :(

I must remember to take things easy during and after the birth to avoid making things any worse but glad to hear the heartburn cleared up relatively quickly in most cases :cheer:
Heart burn went away but I didn't suffer all that bad from it.

SPD remained for a couple of weeks after birth but slowly got better each day and by day 14 I was walking like normal. I did suffer from the odd twinge if I over did things up until about 4 months. xxx
My heartburn went away as I pushed her out! lol I seriously said to my OH as she came out "Oh the heartburns gone!!" It was fab lol I had had it constant for months! No let up at all until she came out and my stomach moved down hahaha

Cant asnwer the SPD but Im hoping that will go pretty quick after birth! :pray: :pray: :pray:
The heartburn was gone instantly.

As for the SPD I had thought it was gone but after a week it had came back. While pregnant I was using elbow crutches as it was so bad. Thankfully I don't have to use the crutches anymore as it isn't as bad but I can feel my pelvis 'crunch' when turning in bed and it is a bit stiff in the mornings.
I gave birth with a spinal and my legs spread further in the stirrups than I could ever make them! Within a couple of days there was a huge improvement so I was off the crutches :dance:
If I overdo it I get sore still, especially if I carry DD for a little while (30 mins maximum!) but I can walk for 3 hours now. I've put on 3 stone from pre-pregnancy and I am convinced that if I lose this weight I will be affected even less by the spd as I won't have so much weight for my pelvis to carry.

I don't expect it to go until I stop milking as it produces the hormone relaxin which caused the problems in the first place. Or so I believe, any way.

But even though it's not gone I'm not as bothered because I am no longer crippled with it. I used to use crutches to get round the house. Now I only have to do that if I've done too much and the next day I will be able to walk again :D
For me both heartburn and spd disappeared instantly after giving birth.

I know my SPD is caused by baby lying so low. It was the same for me first time around. Once the baby is born the pressure will be gone for me.

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