Chloe Anne Elizabeth Hurst <3


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
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Hey everyone sorry its taken me so long to get on but chloe was born on the 20th June at 6.56am she weighed 4lb7oz! I was due to be induced at half 8 that morning but my contractions started at ten to one and I wasn't aware that my waters had went so when my contractions got stronger and closer together between every 3 mins for roughly 1-2 mins at 5.35am oh wanted to take me in. We arrived at the hospital at 6.05 and they started wiring me up to monitors which I was trying to unclip as she was putting them on as I knew baby was coming! She started shouting at me saying she needed to find out what baby was doing which my answer was 'the babys fucking coming! I need to push you idiot' so she then stopped annoying me with the monitor straps and measured me and I was 9cm dialated!!!! So three pushes and two contractions later our beautiful baby girl arrived! Hubby broke down into tears as they handed her to me! We hadn't even made it to the delievery suite! I had her in a wee side room with no pain relief whatsoever! They weighed and measured her and checked her breathing and temperature as she was small. We had to spend a week in scbu to make sure everything was ok due to all the size of her, we were allowed to bring her home the following wednesday at 1.15pm. I started by breastfeeding but because of her size it was too much work for her little lungs, I then moved on to ebm but the little woman was feeding too much and my boobs couldn't keep up!!!!! She's now on aptamil and is on 3-4oz every3-5 hours! Got her weighed last wednesday (two weeks old) and she weighed 5lb2oz!!! She is brilliant at night time and hardly ever cries! She is absolutely perfect! <3


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Wow what a fast entrance!! And so tiny, congratulations she,s gorgeous xx
Thanks guys, I still can't beileve she's here and she's our wee bundle! Xx
Congrats! So dinky :)

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Oh well done and how quick was that!!! Welcome to the world Chloe xx
Well done! She cleary wanted to come out lol! How small!!! xx
good things come in small packages :) thanks everyone! wasnt a hard labour at all xxx
I'm actually crying having read your story. I love that your hubby cried and got emotional. Congratulations to you all. xxx
Aww I'm sorry for making you cry lol!!! Thankyou :) hope all is well with you xxx

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