November 2018 mummies-to-be

Aw glad your sickness is easing off x good luck for your gender scan... exciting!!
Excited for gender scans :dance: I've got mine booked for the 7th June, can't wait!! Xx
Had my scan on Tuesday! All well! Baby jumping about! Could you change my date to the 25th please! Xxx
Is everyone over here now?

Seems to have been a little quiet around here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Sounds like a few of you are having genders scans soon. Think we're still going for a surprise though there's still time to change our minds.

We've also started our declutter. Figured it was a good idea to start while I'm still feeling so well and can make myself useful. Also signed up for a pregnancy yoga group. Anyone else tried anything like this?
Is everyone over here now?

Seems to have been a little quiet around here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Sounds like a few of you are having genders scans soon. Think we're still going for a surprise though there's still time to change our minds.

We've also started our declutter. Figured it was a good idea to start while I'm still feeling so well and can make myself useful. Also signed up for a pregnancy yoga group. Anyone else tried anything like this?

It has been very quiet! I'm wondering if everyone is more on the Facebook group than here?
Is everyone over here now?

Seems to have been a little quiet around here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Sounds like a few of you are having genders scans soon. Think we're still going for a surprise though there's still time to change our minds.

We've also started our declutter. Figured it was a good idea to start while I'm still feeling so well and can make myself useful. Also signed up for a pregnancy yoga group. Anyone else tried anything like this?

It has been very quiet! I'm wondering if everyone is more on the Facebook group than here?

I was wondering that too. I'm not on Facebook though.
Hey girlies how is everyone. Still here. Feeling some bubbles in my abdomen. Can’t tell if I can feel the baby or if it’s just gas lol. I’m about 15 weeks now. But early I think.
Hey girlies how is everyone. Still here. Feeling some bubbles in my abdomen. Can’t tell if I can feel the baby or if it’s just gas lol. I’m about 15 weeks now. But early I think.

Not too early at all!!! I felt my LG at 15 weeks exactly with a rather strong kick on the inside, with butterfly like flutterings for a week or so before that. This time I've felt the odd flutter every few days or so for a few weeks, but not frequent yet.
Hey girlies how is everyone. Still here. Feeling some bubbles in my abdomen. Can’t tell if I can feel the baby or if it’s just gas lol. I’m about 15 weeks now. But early I think.

Not too early at all!!! I felt my LG at 15 weeks exactly with a rather strong kick on the inside, with butterfly like flutterings for a week or so before that. This time I've felt the odd flutter every few days or so for a few weeks, but not frequent yet.

Awe that’s so cool!! I wasnt sure as it felt like a wee pulse/ bubble it happened a few times tonight x
To me it feels just like a butterfly unfurling its wings :) If you think about how big your baby is at 15 weeks, it's no surprise you're starting to feel him/her!
Glad you're still around Liz and it sounds like everything is going well :)

I'm not convinced I've felt movement yet. For me I'm really sure it's gas haha. I'm almost 15 weeks now too :)
Glad you're still around Liz and it sounds like everything is going well :)

I'm not convinced I've felt movement yet. For me I'm really sure it's gas haha. I'm almost 15 weeks now too :)

Yeah it’s hard to know lol although I have read you can start feeling the baby early on. My mum says it’s bonding with baby which would be cool. But knowing me I’m bonding with gas lol x
Hey ladies, sorry yeah I have to admit I work on facebook - so its easier for me to stay in touch on there. I duck in and out of here.

I've my private gender scan Friday - just discovered they do a "gender reveal" confetti popper (with blue or pink confetti) - as I was getting panicky that hubby might not like that I find out ahead of him during the day and surprise him that night. This way we both find out that night... how exciting... 4 more sleeps...

I've felt flutterings since 14wks - so exciting to feel movement...
I had my scan yesterday and I’m now due on the 17th, a little ahead of what we expected so I can move up to this thread. Anyone else still suffering from morning sickness?

I can change your date hunni, one sec xx
Oh what’s the Facebook group called? I may join too :)

My morning sickness/nausea is showing no signs of leaving either! Still throwing up everyday and feeling pretty rubbish :( I really thought by 14 weeks it would be gone! Hope I’m not one of the unlucky ones who has this the whole way through :wall2:

Just sent you a friend rquest so I can add you to the group xx

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