Health Visitor

I have a health visitor and think she is lovely and very helpful.

She was given my name because i had really bad PND when my daughter was born and have a history of bad depression for the past 9 years. The midwife refereed me over to her. She has been a great help and i feel so much more confident knowing she is there for me also she has seen me when im not depressed so as my doctor put it if i start going down hill she will see.

They are there to help and i would take all the help offered as that was my downfall when i had my daughter i saw the HV as interfering and someone who was poking her nose in i never asked for help didnt ask about baby groups (which i have done already this time) and i ended up really ill.

We are lucky in the UK to have people like heallth visitors as my sister lives abroad and has no support like that and has struggled with her 4 kids and depression

After saying all that it sounds like from what the letter says that its normal practice for your HV to do a visit before the baby is born to let mums to be know what they are there for and what services are available which is all good in my book dont be worried hun
I'll try, I do feel better about reading that article.. And I trust it's genuine as was on AIMS website :) I don't want to completely say no but I will stand my ground on my own decisions. xx

Its the best way, be open to what they say but also be clear with what you want xxxx
Sometimes health visitors can be linked to social services - maybe there would be a reason ss would
Come? Are you very young/ concerned about Birth etc? Could also be because you want to have a home birth I
I'd guess its probs about the home birth then, i'd forgotton you were doing that, i'd imagine if you did have a home birth, they'd come out to check (not necessarily the house but to make sure your home will be a safe environment?)

Did you not say you had some un-answered questions regarding the home birth, maybe you could bring these things up, and get some answers, and be strong and confident, let them know that you have made your decision, and you mean business.

Try not to worry too much about it, the nhs ect stick there noses into everyone's business, wether social work are involved or not. I wasn't best pleased when the midwife was out every day for 10 days after the birth of my first, It drove me insane having to make sure the living room was "decent" then I think the hv was out once a week. Felt like I was being checked up on constantly.
Some areas also arrange HV visits for everyone before the birth so it may just be routine where you are. We didn't have a visit here until I was discharged from the midwife after the boys were born though so I have no idea what it might be about! x
hopefulmummy - I'm 18 and although I'm not particularly worried about the birth anymore as I have decided on a home birth I do suffer with mental health problems and OH has AS...

littlemiss - the hv wouldnt know about my wanting a home birth yet as its only been briefly mentioned with mw and she said that nothing would be done about it til 35 weeks as i need to see consultant first... dont really have any unanswered questions anymore as i discussed them at antenatal class last night...

sams mum - i thought that was the norm... mw before birth, hv after :/ xx
i suspect then that it may be to do with your age combined with the mental health problems that you've suffered as well as your partner. it won't be anything to worry about. in a way, it's good that they are giving you the little extra attention, you'll probably be grateful!! :)

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