Recent content by amandapanda

  1. amandapanda

    Feeling quite shite (excuse the french)

    I also had the dizziness and weakness you describe - I was recovering from a very serious wound infection but also I think it was cause I was very low in iron after losing alot of blood during and after the c section.I had to take iron pills for a while but it took time to feel better. I felt...
  2. amandapanda

    Can I request surgery?

    Oh Crimson, sounds awful! Sorry you've had such a hard too and I appreciate what you're going through. Hope it gets sorted soon - pregnancy and childbirth totally mess up our bodies! xx
  3. amandapanda

    Baby Miss - Birth of Georgia

    Congratulations Miss - Georgie is a cutie pie! xx
  4. amandapanda

    Jack Stephen Davis!

    Congratulations Claire - you did so well! xx
  5. amandapanda


    Thanks all....yes JJ mum the name Asher is from a book....The Bible!! Lol. It is an old testament name he was the son of Jacob and it means blessed or happy :-) I love it! Thanks for all your comments - SPD is hormone related apparantly and I've also heard that it can take a year or so to get...
  6. amandapanda


    I had pretty bad SPD during pregnancy, and along with low placenta, pre-eclampsia, emergency c section & serious wound infection, I am unlucky in that I still have it after birth. Am peed off that it's not gone, I am peed off of hearing that I've been one of the unlucky few for all of these...
  7. amandapanda

    8 week immunisation

    yes it's normal. Asher slept all day and slept well that night too. He came down with a slight cold a week after which again is a normal reaction xx
  8. amandapanda

    Baby Hospital

    I was watching this while I had my beautiful healthy boy sleeping in my arms...I couldn't stop crying and kissing him and thanking God that he arrived safely. No way could I have watched it while I was pregnant, it would have worried me too much thinking 'what if that happens to me'. xx
  9. amandapanda

    Sunnyb Labour thread ****Upadate added 1,2 BABY IS HERE

    Congrats again Sunny - Holly Rose is a beautiful name :-) xxx
  10. amandapanda

    Do any April/May mummies want to try and lose our baby weight together?

    Yes thanks Setse and Jodie - I was thinking along the same going to get some shopping in this weekend so at least have everything in I need to have some healthy lunches. Few tins of soup too I think for something super quick! xx
  11. amandapanda

    Do any April/May mummies want to try and lose our baby weight together?

    Hey there mummies - has anyone got any ideas for quick, low fat vegetarian lunches? I want to avoid bread - but am finding myself just buying cheese sandwiches or cheese pasties because they're quick (and yummy, lol). Initially after Asher was born I lost 2 and a half stone in 3 weeks and...
  12. amandapanda

    Don't read if easily scared lol. Lacey Ann Brown... welcome to the world!!! With pics

    Congratulations Shauna - you did so well hun! The midwife sounds awful which is such a shame for you, you were so anxious about the birth and a gentle and kind midwife can make all the difference - I was lucky, I had 2 and they were both lovely. And don't worry about the screaming - you did what...
  13. amandapanda

    Clairebear22's Labour Watch!!

    Good luck Claire - won't be long before you have Jack in your arms xx
  14. amandapanda

    Sunnyb Labour thread ****Upadate added 1,2 BABY IS HERE

    Congratulations Sunny on the birth of your baby girl - a nice big weight too! xx
  15. amandapanda

    baby bunny is here!!

    Congratulations flopsy!! xx