

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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I really want a cesarean section and have been gathering as much information as i can. Its because of personal reasons that i dont want to go into and i still need to speak to the hospital about the whole thing when i finally get an appointment.

Anyway, i want to know what experiences you have had, did it hurt a lot after, what was the recovery time? can you still breastfeed? and so importantly, can my OH cut the cord?
it my case it didnt hurt at all i thought it was amazing!!! the day after i was in alot of pain but everyones different but by a week later i was vertually back to normal :D the worst thing is sitting then getting up :(

im sure OH's can cut the cord but mine couldnt cause there was a complication

yep you can still breatfeed just make sure you have a comfy pillow for the baby to ly on

anything else just shout xxx i hope this helps
its sore after a section and u develop a funny walk for a few day haha

bfing is possible but findin a comfortable position can be troublesome.. i cud only feedon one side for a few days coz i was really sore on one side in perticular...

mine wasnt elective so there wasnt time for cuttin the cord etc

just take it easy afterwards if u do go ahead
mine was a s good as can be expected i guess, it was emergency so OH was more concerned that i was ok with my insides on show rather than cuttin the cord!! breastfeedin was a pain in the boobies, took ages to get used to it with my scar!! the scars healed up very well, next baby will be born by c section too!!
hi hun my own experience was it was the worst thing in the world, i was in agony for 3 months after getting infection after infection and wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy
I had one with my son and am having one on Wednesday with my daughter and absolutely dreading it. I would much rather give birth naturally any day!
I had an emergency C-Section with Macaulay. Yes it hurts for a week after but I must say that it wasn't half as bad as giving birth naturally to Jordan. I ripped and then they still had to cut me more, I had piles the size of black puddings :oops: . In fact I was known as 'the lady with the sore bottom' :rotfl: . I am definately contemplating having a Section with my next child.

Oh yeah and you can't do no heavy lifting, housework etc for 6 wks after so it's a good excuse to be waited on. :D
I am crapping my pants, only about 36 hours to go until they cut into my tiny scar that I can't even see and make me hurt all over again. I don't have anyone to help either as the dad and I don't live together.
Londoner Claire said:
I am crapping my pants, only about 36 hours to go until they cut into my tiny scar that I can't even see and make me hurt all over again. I don't have anyone to help either as the dad and I don't live together.

Good luck claire! I hope everything goes OK for you.
I hated my section but then it was an emergency one. Its the weirdest feeling in the world. Hubby wasn't allowed to cut the cord because it was all a bit rushed.

I was in pain for 8 weeks after and couldn't lie on my side for 3 weeks. But I did manage to breastfeed..get yourself a good nursing pillow for baby to lie on! :)

I have been told I can have a section for my next one but I would much rather give birth naturally.
I had an emergancy setion 4 weeksw ago and was dreading it - we originally planned a home waterbirth because we wanted everything to be as natural as possible - but I have to say the section went really well and I have had no problems with recovery.

Was up and about the next day - have had no pain or discomfort at all - have just paced myself each day ...
but have been driving from 3 weeks and pretty much been able to do anything as normal - the only thing I am really careful about it lifting anything too heavy - and DH has done all the housework for the last 4 weeks - wondering how much longer I can get away with that one :rotfl:
I had a brilliant experonce with my section, 1st time dont remeber, 2nd was planned and it was amazing, yes u are in alot of pain next day and for few days after that BUT remeber u have just had major surgery. My advice is relax and much as possible afterwards and dont do too much too soon hun. PM me if ya want any advice hun :hug: :hug:
I had to have an emergency section with Lola, and it was awful! But if it was planned I may have felt better. I really wanted to give birth naturally and hold her in my arms, but she got stuck and after 27 hours of labour it became an emergency. I couldn't hold her until an hour after, I was shaking from the shock and spinal that I had, plus I had a drip in my hand.

You have to rest for 4 weeks after, and they don't recommend driving until 6-8 weeks after. It's sore where the stitches are put in and it's difficult to pick your baby up. You are put on a urine tube for a couple of days and it's very hard to walk and very sore once you are out of bed. It's difficult to do everyday things, like having a shower, or cleaning.

Sorry if I sound like a misery, but this was my experience. I say keep all your options open and see what the doctor says. Good Luck!

I had an emergency c-section and it was absolutely fine. I wasn't in much pain afterwards - pelvic floor exercises help tone up the abdominals as well as the pelvic area, so you can help your recovery by doing them. I made myself get up and about which really helped. If you don't have one on your bed, ask for a rope ladder so you can pull yourself up in stages, it really helps.

I recovered within a couple of weeks, although I had a separate reaction to the antibiotics that I was taking as a result of a uterine infection - the reason why I had the c-section, not as a result of it. Total recovery takes about a year, before you can plan your next baby, if you're thinking about that lol. I was still able to breastfeed, although as my supply was interfered I supplemented with formula feed for the first week and a half. This was even after haemorraghing (because of family genetics) after the c-section, so breast-feeding is possible. You may need to stick at it, but then a lot of new mums need to before it becomes really easy - which it is for me now at 8 1/2 weeks :cheer:

Although it was an emergency one, my OH still cut the chord. He says it was surprisingly tough lol. The staff should look after your OH as he will be allowed into the delivery suite, unless you have an emergency that requires a general anesthetic. This is very unlikely, I nearly had one due to my uterine infection, and they didn't want to inject near that area to avoid spreading the infection, but luckily I got away with an epidural. Also I've had NO problems after my epidural which was like sticking my legs in a warm bath. A relative had to have an emergency c-section, and was able to breast-feed on the recovery table, so put that in your birth plan if it's important to you. I didn't and Debs got taken away and was given formula as her blood sugar was low. Fair enough as obviously it had to be done, and it was unlikely I would have been able to feed her, but it's useful to think of contingency planning.

I found it a really positive experience, as without it, neither of us would have made it. Again that is purely because of my circumstance which are quite unusual. Also the staff at Royal Berks were all fabulous. Good luck with it!
my wife had a section, but it was an emergency, i wasnt allowed to cut the cord as there was complications,

she was sore for about 4 weeks, and now nearly 2 yrs on she still complains its numb, i know im a man but i wouldnt wish it upon anyone to have a section if they didnt need it..

Im not looking forward to when my wife gives birth as it will by section, i cant bear to go through it all again, but it has to be done..

Im sure you will be fine, :hug:
I had a section after a failed induction...my cervix wasnt doing anything and I only dilated to 2.5cm in 36 hours. The relief when they decided to take me to theatre was inredible, although I was terrified (my sis had an a emergency section 10 weeks before me and didnt have a good time of it) I can honestly say though I loved it, everyone was so kind and reassuring...I felt them lift Ruby from me and it was the most AMAZING feeling ever, and they held her up so my OH could tell me the sex (we didnt know before hand) They even played "Shes a lady-Tom Jones" as she made her grand entrance-the porters had two songs ready-one for a girl, and one for a boy!! We all laughed and sang along as they sewed me up!!! I didnt like the hour in recovery room afterwards, I wanted to sit up and hold her but couldnt as I was still numb, and once they got me to the ward, OH was sent home as it was late, so I was left with a screaming baby who I couldnt move to help, and the midwives had to take her to change and feed her...By 6am the next day, I was up in a chair, my catheter and drip came out that morning and by lunchtime walked to the shower. After 4 days I came home, it was hard and I got a nasty infection in my wound so ended up back in A&E the following weekend but a strong dose of anti biotic soon helped me. I took it easy, and gentle walking with the pram helped after a few weeks.

Good luck!!! :hug: xxx
I really want a c section too, for personal reasons. My Midwife has so far said no, but I am planning on kicking up a fuss as I believe I have the right!

My sister had two with both of her boys, and with both she recovered very quickly. With the first boy he became very ill when he was 2 days old and had to go to Birmingham Childrens Hospital via ambulance, My sis went with him and was running down the hospital corridors to keep up with him - no one could believe she had a c section just 48 hours earlier!

Let me know if you get your c section and how they agree to it - I'm very interested to know!! Good luck :hug:

Piglet xx

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