✨❤️October 2021 Testing Thread❤️✨

How’s everyone doing? With having covid, then back at work this week, I’ve been rubbish at OPk testing this month and worried I’m going to miss my window, but I’m CD 14 and it’s been around CD 16 last few cycles so fingers crossed I haven’t yet.

We also picked up a puppy on Sunday (must be mad!)
But that’s keeping us busy. Hoping staying busy has a positive affect too: :)
It’s been so quiet over here lately.

I’ve been opk testing the last two days, no positives yet, but lots of cm. Trying to fit in more days than last month, but we will see how it goes. I’ve also been testing with FMU, but only because the package says so. I see a lot about how you have to use afternoon. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn’t allow that too conveniently, but it sometimes seems up for discussion.

How’s everyone doing? Yay on the puppy!!! @Sugar10 What did you name it?
How’s everyone doing? With having covid, then back at work this week, I’ve been rubbish at OPk testing this month and worried I’m going to miss my window, but I’m CD 14 and it’s been around CD 16 last few cycles so fingers crossed I haven’t yet.

We also picked up a puppy on Sunday (must be mad!)
But that’s keeping us busy. Hoping staying busy has a positive affect too: :)

Hey sorry to but in, hope your ok after having covid? I had covid in January quite badly and it must of messed my cycles up cos we wasn't trying for a baby and I got caught and I'm due next month the doctors said it can mess with cycles so hoping its good news for you too xx
Hey sorry to but in, hope your ok after having covid? I had covid in January quite badly and it must of messed my cycles up cos we wasn't trying for a baby and I got caught and I'm due next month the doctors said it can mess with cycles so hoping its good news for you too xx[/QUOTE

I came across a few posts saying COVID completely changed and messed their first 2-3 cycles.
Wel I had a super positive opk so now in the TWW.. yay. Although it starts to wear abit thin after a while and don’t get as excited now. :(

@Fsb676 we named the puppy Cooper, he’s a little terror but a cutie :) keeping us all busy!

@holli sorry to hear you had covid , but congrats on the pregnancy! :)
I feel ok now, just took it’s toll for a few weeks. Doesn’t seem to have messed this cycle up so far, so we shall see. Just want to see our BFP now!
Just looking for general thoughts and opinions....

So, I came down with this strange cold. Mostly just a super sour throat, and an elevated temp. Nothing crazy though. Very tired, typical when sick. Then I realized I also had a UTI, so all this has kind of impacted our “trying.” We got in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Saturday, and trying to get in tonight. I have been using opk’s again this month. Yesterday, I didn’t manage a pic, but couldn’t quite tell if it was positive. It was either the exact same or ever so slightly lighter than the control line. Today’s was blazing in a matter of seconds. I already think I am out for the month, because we missed Thursday, Friday, and yesterday. :/ What do you think?
@Fsb676 sorry you haven’t been feeling well! But I think you’re not out yet! If you got a positive today, then if you try tonight, then you should be totally fine! :) good luck! :)
I’ll no doubt test early next weekend haha.
@Fsb676 sorry you haven’t been feeling well! But I think you’re not out yet! If you got a positive today, then if you try tonight, then you should be totally fine! :) good luck! :)
I’ll no doubt test early next weekend haha.
I’m feeling much better! Thanks! How’s Cooper?!?!? Keep us posted with your testing! I think I have one test. Let’s see if I can wait until the 31st lol. Thanks for the advice! Any thoughts are helpful!
@Fsb676 that’s good hear!
I actually don’t have any cheap tests left, so can’t test until I order some at the weekend - so it’s probably a good thing! :) I will be itching to though! Drives me insane all this, just want it to happen already!
Cooper is doing good, although it’s like having another child :D
We are the same dates again aren’t we, let’s hope we both get our BFP ! (Or soon, if not this time!) as I never have much hope these days! :(
@Fsb676 that’s good hear!
I actually don’t have any cheap tests left, so can’t test until I order some at the weekend - so it’s probably a good thing! :) I will be itching to though! Drives me insane all this, just want it to happen already!
Cooper is doing good, although it’s like having another child :D
We are the same dates again aren’t we, let’s hope we both get our BFP ! (Or soon, if not this time!) as I never have much hope these days! :(
Wow! No tests! You’ll be testing as soon as they come in...I always am. Lol Glad Coopers keeping you all busy. ;) I think we are at least close again! I think my cycle is a tad bit longer. Every time I get a buddy on the same date, it shifts in a month or two. You still have some months left before you lose hope!!!! We’ve been trying since March of 2020. It’s almost been a year since our mc. Which is crazy!!! The last year I have made kinda stressful for myself. Praying this is it for both of us!
Hey all. We are ttc baby no.2. This will be our third month of actively trying. I was due my period on Monday but no sign of it yet. I tested yesterday morning and again this morning but no second line. Not sure what to think. Do I stop testing and just wait? Not sure whether I’ll get a positive now tbh! I think I ovulated late this cycle.

Any suggestions? Sending baby dust to you all ❤️❤️
Test again in a few days....I’m never able to wait that long though lol. Do you have an idea of how late you may have ovulated?
Test again in a few days....I’m never able to wait that long though lol. Do you have an idea of how late you may have ovulated?
I think I ovulated on 6th or 7th October. I had bad ovulation cramping. Not sure what’s happening with my body. I just want to get a positive or I just want my period to come so we can move onto the next month of trying
I know how you feel. :( I have had a few cycles like that in the last year too. My goal was to be pregnant again before my original due date of our mc, but it didn’t happen. Almost been a year already! Being a day late would always make me so hopeful! Anyway, that’s off topic...but if you didn’t ovulate until the 6th or the 7th....then I would say you wouldn’t be “due” until today or tomorrow....which means you may just need to wait until tomorrow, Friday, or Saturday to test. Not trying to give you false hope though.....cuz I hate when that happens to me. Keep us posted!!!
@Sugar10 Have you started testing yet?!?!? I really want to, but it’s way too early for me lol
@Sunrise212 I’d say if you ovulated later than usual you may just be too early , for either :) hopefully something will happen for you soon!

@Fsb676 you know I’ve tested already hahahahaha, I tested yesterday at 6dpo - WAY too early! Obviously negative. I was doing well holding off then found some hcg strips with my OPKs that I didn’t realise! Ooops. I haven’t tested today, I will on Monday , or Tuesday. (If I can wait!)
@Sugar10 You are making me feel better. I almost pulled out a test at 6dpo lol....but I haven’t yet. I’m also trying to wait until Tuesday....we shall see. I also have the HCG that came with my OPKs.

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